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Passion Fruit

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Everything posted by Passion Fruit

  1. Everything I read and saw was a tick box for me and more. I've been very critical of SI over the last few years with regards to the rigidity of players, especially regarding inverted wingers and inside forwards, blocked shots and other things. The game was getting very stale from a match day perspective. Which eventually became game breaking because all you'd see is the things that constantly annoyed you. I'd often stop playing around February, or restart again and then stop. All of this should have happened a few years ago, but I'm glad we're going to get one last hoorah in the old FM before the "next generation" or FM next year. At least from what I can see, the match engine is looking really good from the new additions with a fluidity we've never experienced yet and hopefully those repetitively annoying broken things that have plagued the engine for many years ave been ironed out. I haven't been this excited for a new FM in many many years.
  2. Not sure how something like this would work. I'm only using an educated guess, but i'm assuming these virtual matches are pre-rendered, where as FM would require a more "on the fly" solution since the user needs to be able to alter the flow of the game either via shouts or substitutions and formation changes etc. And then theres the calculations as you already suggested. If the game calculated the match before hand then yeah, i think something like that would be possible, but you can't pre-render a match before it's taken place because you wouldn't be able to effect the result and the processing times would probably be major. Something along the lines of an older PES or FIFA game is probably more likely, with better animations, stadiums, visuals etc, just without player faces and fingers crossed, a great match engine.
  3. Check you havent got variable refresh rate turned on in your graphics drivers, either GSYNC or FreeSync. That usually causes games to flicker when the refresh rate jumps a lot.
  4. It wasn't just FM 22, it was 21 and 20 and I think 19 too? There's been some really bad match engines over the years but these 3 have been the least enjoyable editions of the game I have played for a very long time and I've been playing since CM 01/02. It's not just the iw/if role in general, it's crossing. Even wingers will avoid an.amazing opportunity to cross a ball and stop dead on the bi line and pass it back. I actually liked the match engine in the BETA and going forward but the same old boring bugs seem to show their heads again. Since about December, I am about 4 seasons in and I just do not understand how this issue can be a thing FIVE years into the development cycle. The longer the save goes on the less my desire is to load up my save and continue. You WILL lose customers over this.
  5. I couldn't find this anywhere else but i have seen one person post something on reddit after a search. A number of my players have had random french lower league teams added to their history in the 25/26 season. This happened during the season and AFTER i signed some of them. Some were already here from previous seasons. What is causing this? None of those appear on the players bio and i am unable to remove them through the editor.
  6. No i haven't. I do have a lot of leagues loaded from the start but none during the game. These teams appeared during the 25/26 season AFTER i signed the player at some point.
  7. Anyone come across this yet? Cant see any posts about it. A few of my players have had random french lower league teams inserted into their history since they joined me. In some cases between 4 and 7 teams all in the same (most recent season) season. Im currently in my 4th season. Bit of a wierd one...
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