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Everything posted by Arrows

  1. This tactic is really good! I was struggling to get on with the Pep3241's. This tactic with a much higher defensive line is insane defensively. Conceded 3 goals in 12 games with it. Some games the opposition barely get a shot on target!
  2. I dont think he means either of those versions. I think its the HGF 451 P110. Thats the one i am using anyway.
  3. I did . Not sure if it had much effect. The new tactics you posted seem to have worked perfectly but i know not much has changed from the original one so its just one of those things in the game when an update happens it throws things a bit off even if the tactic is fine.
  4. Legend Knap! You can see where the update messed with my BALTIG424 in red pen and then in blue pen where i started with your new BALTIG424 Spurs tactics you did today. 18 goals in 3 away games! Thanks again!
  5. And lost the next 2 games. Christ i hate updates! Tactic was the BALTIG424. It was so good for so long. Nooooooooo :-(
  6. Can you guess which game was played after the update today? FFS! Bye bye solid 442 tactics :-(
  7. Have i missed a recent match engine update during the last few days? The insanely good Beowulf424 is definately less effective all of a sudden.
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