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swagat sinha

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Posts posted by swagat sinha

  1. 18 hours ago, ChileanRanger said:

    Yeah, that's because I went big and used my wildcard to clear out an injury/loan-ridden team and get Salah, Lukaku and Ronaldo, only for the latter two to be largely useless for me.


    That and I can't play Mark every week. :p


    Still, somehow I've been in the top spots practically through the entirety of the season.

    I would rather not play Mark every week. He's beaten me twice already this season I think.

  2. On 28/09/2021 at 21:28, mark wilson27 said:

    My side is pretty much going back to normal form. Last year was the first year I actually did ok in the league and if I hadn't collapsed on Newcastle Kevin Keegan style I would have won.


    Yup, I got lucky with your collapse last season. This season, I might need one again!

  3. 10 hours ago, Dalbeider said:

    A supremely mediocre season for me, in which the best I can say is that we were better than Average... Congrats to the winners, and commiserations to mark for his absolute meltdown in the final stretch. :D

    I spent a majority of the season thinking Average was the average of the group, only realising 3 games ago that it was the global average!

  4. 3 hours ago, mark wilson27 said:

    Week 15


    FMS Fantasy League Cup Final: 2nd Leg Results
    Finis Coronat Opus (52) 32 - 46 (98) Hakuna Matata (agg 144 -84 Hakuna Matata
    Congratulations to @swagat sinha  and his side Hakuna Matata  on winning this years Cup

    This was nice. First win ever - I remember losing the FMS cup final ages ago by 1 point :D. Good game @Finis Coronat Opus

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