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Posts posted by Pompey_Dan

  1. 9 hours ago, Experienced Defender said:

    Try AML as IF on support and MCL as MEZ on attack. In that case your LB should not be on Attack duty lest he and MEZ get too close to each other. You can additionally tell the AML-IFs to sit narrower.

    Thanks, I have already tried this set-up but find the Mezzala drifts wide into the half space; rarely, if ever, does he move out on to the wing...

    724178875_ScreenShot2018-09-20at07_28_48.thumb.png.2c8088772143ca79b3b46b082d39d974.png   999928932_ScreenShot2018-09-20at07_28_33.thumb.png.884ce92250f2d0ac82ab358474e90d55.png

    Inside Forward (left) and Mezzala (right, from same game).

    I'm playing a simple 4-3-3 (or 4-1-2-2-1 if you prefer); the Mezzala is set to "roam from position" by default and I believe this is why he spends a lot of time in the vacant AMC area.  With the AML set as an advanced playmaker he comes centrally more often than an IF but this doesn't alter the behaviour of the MC (also, I don't really want a playmaker in the AML position).

    Try as I might I cannot get the rotation I am looking for (nb: this is different to having the MC run wide with the ball); has anyone else succeeded in getting the MC to play from inside to out effectively?  If so, can you offer some advice - applied as opposed to theoretical ideally. :thup:



  2. 1 hour ago, Colorado said:

    My question and for an experienced FM player does sound quite stupid, but how/why/where deploy opportunities instructions?

    Showing onto weaker foot is an obvious one which needs no explanation but, don't central defenders automatically man mark?

    I'd also like someone to give their views on when they would or wouldn't use tight marking. My thinking is that you wouldn't use this on a fast player.

    Also how do you choose between deploying close down or man mark? Both are essentially restricting their space, what really is the difference and when would one be more suitable over the other.

    These sound very basic questions, I know, but the more I've considered it, the more I have started to question my own interpretation.



    31 minutes ago, herne79 said:

    I'll give you an alternative point of view - I never use OIs.  My personal opinion is that if I spend time setting up a nicely balanced tactical system it'll do everything I want it to do without the need for OIs.  My players will mark the opposition; my pressing will be set up; and showing onto weaker foot doesn't (imo) do much anyway.  Chucking in a load of OIs over the top of that system could unbalance all of that with my players getting pulled out of position.

    I largely agree with @herne79, however, I do sometimes use OI's to achieve a pattern of pressing... for example I will, from time to time and depending on the situation, set the team up a with a heavy central presence and set OIs to always closing down and tackling hard on the opposition wide players (full backs and wingers) - in an effort to force play wide into a pressing trap (using the touchline as an extra defender)

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