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Posts posted by jWaSiMhE

  1. Mike "Four-****ing-Two" Bassett has come out of retirement for one last go on the management merry-go-round. Coming to your stricken managerless club very soon!


    Just a bit of fun. Simple file which adds Mike Bassett and his assistant manager Dave "Doddsy" Dodds to the FM21 database.

    I've meticulously added as much detail from the filmTV series and failed reboot as I possibly can. Hope you can spot all the "easter egg" style content!


  2. 9 hours ago, Rainbowz said:

    I'd suggest the best level to start at for that might be the 4th-5th tier. Most teams have players and real club info at that level, so would be a good realistic jumping off point. 

    As for when the database is done at that level, I'm getting the data in for all levels first, then adding the leagues and cups to the structure as I go. If I had to guess, maybe 1-2 weeks? FM databases have a habit of either being more difficult or easier than initially expected though, so that's really just a rough guideline.

    Cheers. Will hold off for a bit then. Still forming an opinion on where to start but know I need to start my journeyman career earlier this FM as I always start it after the final major patch and then don't get enough time before being tempted by the shiny new FM release as I tend to play it in spurts.

  3. 3 minutes ago, jWaSiMhE said:

    What level would you suggest to start from and how far are you away from a working file for that level?

    My thinking is based around realistic expectations for some random bloke getting a chance to be involved in the coaching/management setup at these clubs plus also the natural level where if you go any lower the game can't really simulate the level of football very well on the 0-200 CA system. (the parallel in England is the 9th tier/maybe 10th tier - or English County Leagues are they are called on the FM db)

  4. @Rainbowz I always like to start low down in countries avoiding England as one day I have an epic save planned once I get my editing head kicked into gear again.. but I digress...

    I'm thinking of playing in Wales lower leagues for FM21 but probably won't need to go down as low as level 10, just a level or two below the vanilla FM which is already quite a low standard in terms of CA/PA of the players etc.

    What level would you suggest to start from and how far are you away from a working file for that level?

  5. 4 hours ago, Rainbowz said:

    I did some research and the Port Talbot league is really interesting. It starts as one division, then splits midway through into a Premier League and Division One (I assume the bottom 7 teams midway go into Division One). I've got a list of the 14 clubs entered into the league now, but thanks for the research.

    The problem is that system is totally unique, and can't really be replicated in FM. I'm not sure whether to do the 14 team Premier League with a promotion/"relegation" split (with no league to relegate into) or just do two divisions and split teams by reputation.

    Just my two cents but a 14 team PL with the split seems the best way. Whether that works for a bottom level league in the editor im not sure. :)

  6. 1 hour ago, Scottababc said:

    My guess for this would be that it affects training and youth development? But other than that I would have no clue.

    This field is to determine the standard of the 3D environments in-game.

    For Stadia this includes the dressing room, the dugout and press conference facilities. For Training Grounds, this includes the Boardroom or the manager's office.

  7. 1 hour ago, FCUtdWill said:

    Ludlow FC play at Level 11 in the Shropshire County League, there's Ludlow Town Colts at Levels 12 and 13 in the Herefordshire County League.

    The National League System finishes at Level 10 (Step 6), below is the National Feeder Leagues at Level 11 and then you get county and district leagues, all the way down to Level 21 or 22, depending on how you count some leagues.

    Yeah. I had a feeling lv13 was a little low when i quickly googled the league.

    Point is still the same whether they're level 11, 13 or 21 though. We're lucky SI bother with level 10 in any form at all to be honest.

  8. 20 minutes ago, Malicious Penguin said:

    This is brilliant - also, and it's very minor, but in the database Ludlow Town should be Ludlow FC, and the main colour is red rather than blue....!!

    I hate to disappoint, but the Ludlow Town you refer to that are on the database are not the same Ludlow FC.

    Town went bust 8 years ago and the new Ludlow play far too low to be created for the (official) FM database (nominal level 13 though technically below level 10 there arent any levels in the NLS).

    Any mods which create the lower levels shouldn't be using extinct clubs as bases for this precise reason re the kits/name etc

  9. 18 minutes ago, ratio1618 said:

    Is it a case of needing researchers IN England? There is enough people here who have made level 10 English DBs for years who can probably dedicate the same time to watching a region or league even if they aren't physically anywhere near it and report data back to SI. I'd  be more than willing to dedicate my time to helping SI if it means we dont have to make level 8 -10 DBs every year haha

    SI have always invited people to assist with research but the take-up has barely changed over the years, so there's some disconnect there. As above we would always encourage people to assist SI directly if one is this way inclined to make these kind of releases.

    Unfortunately though it IS a different thing going to matches on a regular basis and just "watching" a league, region or even club. That's not even considering the league rules, additional resource time etc from SIs point of view I'd imagine.

    It's probably not going to happen anytime soon (and I don't really think it is required as long as the pre game editor is in a decent state).

  10. The reason SI haven't enabled step 3 and below is nothing to do with licencing. It's purely just a reflection of the availability for data and research at that level. SI struggle to get detailed research via ARs for all the National League clubs and they are very busy with the professional English data understandably. The player movements alone are far too fluid and everchanging also.

    Saying that though it is actually quite good in places. Far better than where it was 8-10 years ago.

  11. I should also add that I have been personally trying to get more DB coverage for L9 and L10 done as an extension of my research responsibilities for SI.

    As a few of you noticed, the L10 divisions have been created in the vanilla DB and things like stadiums and clubs in these leagues, histories are getting more accurate/filled in but there is still a long way to go.

  12. I've read this thread with interest as a former co-lead of the EEE (England, Enhanced, Expanded) project from several iterations of FM many moons ago.

    I don't speak for Gareth @magicmastermind124 but I think our view is that we're waiting on the NLS structure to stabilise again before we look into doing anything like EEE again.

    I'm sure the usual suspects will try their best to allow the community to have a decent save at these lower levels in England but right now the editor and advanced rules in general are a bit of a minefield. 

  13. On 21/04/2020 at 13:42, Sangue Blu said:

    These are my files.

    All good then. I only asked as I noticed when browsing through your collection that the English L20 file has the following statement and there is already an existing file hosted here on these forums which does a similar thing.


    I have selected the best files to my collection for each country with the biggest structures in accordance with the realism of the nation rules. Some files were created by other authors, enthusiasts from other countries around the world (Steam Workshop, community.sigames.com, fmscout.com, sortitoutsi.net, cmrev.com, fmsite.net and many others).


  14. Mike "Four-****ing-Two" Bassett has come out of retirement for one last go on the management merry-go-round. Coming to your stricken managerless club very soon!


    Just a bit of fun. Simple file which adds Mike Bassett and his assistant manager Dave "Doddsy" Dodds to the FM20 database.

    I've meticulously added as much detail from the filmTV series and failed reboot as I possibly can. Hope you can spot all the "easter egg" style content!


  15. 1 minute ago, magicmastermind124 said:

    @Ivs please know that I in no way take any issue with the work that you have done or you or AhMostyn personally, and all I asked was for the work that we have done that was shared by AhMostyn to be removed from your file and from his post where he shared the data.  Clearly the file has to be removed on a temporary basis so our work is no longer distributed via your file, this way you have the time to remove these changes from your file and our work is no longer distributed.  That is something that cannot be delayed which is why I posted publicly for the mods to see the infringement.  Had I waited for you to reply, I would have no idea how long it would take for you to reply.  With that said, please let me reiterate that this is nothing against any particular person, the actions we've taken were simply to protect our work from being distributed without permission.

    I note that you did PM me back in November regarding Team Cup Histories and I advised that we were not willing to share our data at that time.  Much of the data is hard to research as it's not available online and takes forever to research.  Perhaps as you had the files from AhMostyn who has done research for us in the past and been credited on Steam Workshop as a creator, you may have assumed he was a creator of EEE or these files but Steam Workshop doesn't differentiate (or at least did not at the time and so everyone is listed as a creator) the level of contribution on a released file so I can understand that you may have thought we had changed our minds.  I do seem to remember AhMostyn helped us out with stadia updates.  Given the time elapsed, it's likely that AhMostyn didn't realise they were our files, as specified earlier in the thread he had the files for some time.  As soon as we pointed out the issue, the mods took the action swiftly to defend our work.  I would imagine they would do the same for you had your work been reused without permission in another file by someone else, especially if you put a lot of time and effort into researching and creating those files you would expect them to do the same.

    We only stumbled across this file today as we are not active in the community which is the reason we did not spot this for so long.  jWaSiMhE came across it as we have recently discussed releasing the data once we touch it up and expand on it so the FM community can use it alongside other releases as we do not see ourselves making another release of EEE however still feel that the data would help to enhance the FM experience.  We were excited that there was someone else that had the same idea as we do but of course found some of the data was ours.  It's just an unfortunate set of circumstances and we know that it wasn't intentional.  We have had our work reused with intent and it isn't nice to experience someone else passing off your work as their own.  This is not the way we see this current situation, like you said, it's a misunderstanding.


  16. Just in case I'm not being clear...

    In principle, we've got no problem with anything which can be shared for the community to use. Especially something as generic, simple and portable in many FM saves in this case.

    I know personally I would like to repurpose all the work we did so it's not just sitting dormant in our project cloud folders. So look out!

    It's more proper procedure and common courtesy that needs to be adhered to.

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