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Posts posted by akash777

  1. Hi guys I just have a few question regarding the some of the instructions I have seen used on tactics published online by various authors.

    Specifically, how certain instructions behaved when used in both team and player instructions.  

    With tighter marking:

    1)Intuitively, I would think that using this as a player instruction wouldn't make a difference on the engine if it is already selected as a team instruction.
    2)  Instructions are sort of compounded , akin to how it works with say closing down, passing length etc.
    So which one of the two happens? 


    With harder tackling:
    I sort of have the same question when using tackle harder as a PI in combination with Stay on Feet as a TI.  

    Would it make the players less likely to dive into tackles but be more likely to make challenges? I mean more block tackles than sliding tackles?


    With passing:
    Also, if the team passing is set to short and play out of defence is selected, why do a lot of people publishing tactics still select shorter passing as a PI? I mean even without clicking on it, the passing meter usually has shorter selected, rather than mixed. 


    Sorry if these have been already answered but the double up of instructions such as these are baffling me and I would love to know what actually happens.


  2. I'll send it you via PM, Yeah the defence is working great and also just been looking at my Shot to Goal Ratio in my past 3 games, Still playing Friendlys as tottenham but check this out.

    I beat Leyton Oriant 9-0 I had 11 Shots on target and Created 7 CCC's

    I beat Fioretina 7-0 I had 7 Shots on Target and Created 5 CCC's

    I have just Beat Chievo 8-0 and had 9 Shots on Target and Created 4 CCC's

    So the goals are in my favor thats for Sure.

    Good job mate with your tactic!

    If you want I could test it for you!

    Had a lot of success with the 4123 with my defense tweaks and then I made my first tactic based on your instructions--which after a lot of tweaking is going really well with people winning the league with bolton and norwich.

    So yes,I could test it and probably give you some good feedback.

  3. Tested it yesterday, with a very small club from Brazil, no transfers at all, just played and see how it gone...

    On a regional championship, it was amazing, played 22, won 17, draw 4 and lost just 1.

    On the national championship (where the others times are very much stronger), played 15, won 6, draw 4 and lost 5. Curiously, all the 5 defeats were 1-0 (just bad luck?)

    If I put some more efforts it would be better for sure, but I can say it's very effective on defense... I'm at work now, can't say exactly how many I conceded but still, it's very nice!

    Yes I'm sure results will improve,I would also recommend keeping mr.hough's 4123(defensively tweaked) version along with it.This is because in games where I don't seem to be able to create,shifting to that gives me the attacking impetus needed.I am doing that,and I am unbeaten now in the EPL for 80 odd games and going.First season I played between the 4123 and the 41122(both def tweaked) and this season with this included.Though I am united.:O

    And thanks for letting me know how you went!and glad you liked it!

  4. i pm'd you guys.let me know via pm if you got it.And put a bit of effort onto whose on what corner instruction.Make sure your corner taker is stay back..And best finisher on near post and 2nd best on short.And best aerial power in the box.Similarly,sort out the defence,best markers and header with man markers.My dm is aerially weak hence he's on the posts for eg.

  5. If u guys have used my previous defensive tweak,I basically put the same instructions on the mentality bar,the closing down and the marking to zonal and all that.And just changed mc to zonal and changed the set pieces.As I like them to be more realistic.I still score a lot,about 29 this season from corners(38 games),but its still more realistic then all lurk where u score every game.I will only post if mr.hough allows me to,till then i can pm u both n u can tell me how it goes for you.

  6. He is more of a scorer than anything, Wingers get most asssts, I'm playing Cahill in the AMC position at the minute and he has stats of Played 8 scored 6 assisted 1. Strikers get a few assits though.

    I'm being dragged out by the Missus to to shop shopping, When i get back in an hour or so i'll send you then tactic to have a look at.

    If you want I could give it a test run with any team u want.my long holiday has almost started with not a lot of work at uni tom.:p

  7. I honestly think that in this version of the game, more so in the latest patch that more than a single tactic is required and the era of lazy players such as myself and others who simply come here and download tactics knowing that they'll see us through the years seems to be over :(

    Every tactic I've tried from this board which is awesome to begin with eventually becomes useless usually after ten league matches if I play as a top team, or if I'm lucky a few more, 20 or so.

    I think the future may be for people to create and upload multiple successfult tactics to keep the ai guessing. More realistic for sure but also a massive pain in the :eek:

    do you keep just the one tactic in ur match prep?i would advice you to keep the previous 4-1-1-2-2 and the 4-1-2-3 by mr.hough in ur arsenal.i have them and this one with my defensive tweaks from before and its going great.here are some pictures from someone who put in my defensive tweaks at fmbase.

    I can't seen to upload the screenshots so that you guys could have a look,well it basically had un unbeaten season,with opposition hardly creating a lot in the matches.like the previous tweak.

    Anyways,this tactic in itself has the tweaks,so you could just try and put the cd to zonal marking,that helps as well.

  8. Tactic started off great beating Tottenham 3-0, Everton 4-0 and Chelsea 5-0 with Stoke. But like every single tactic I have tried they all fall apart after Janauary. The game is completely broken and SI really need to get it sorted because these games have been getting worse year on year.

    Try changing back to the old 4-1-2-3 in jan and then back to this when that stops working.That works.And are you getting similar success away from home?

  9. Having decent results with this tactic. I attribute most of the losses due tot he fact that I am newly promoted and dont have the best squard. Are there any PPM's that really shine with this tactic?

    wingers with runs down the flanks is good,and try a striker like sanogo,strong,quick and good in the air.he has scored 8 in 2 games,and he dint finish the games.Hernandez doesn't play as well as him with this tactic.And try playing one attacking minded mid and one def minded on the cms.Look for a little speed in the cbs and try putting them on zonal on away games if they are getting too many shots and all.hope i could help.

  10. Still going well with my 4-4-2 formation, It is a simple tweaked version of this tactic but it works so well.

    I'll upload some screens after testing more games.

    Mr.Hough,while playing this tactic,were you getting too many shots and chances by the opposition when away?But this worked great at home?So I tried my tweaked 4-1-2-3(your last tactic's tweak that was posted on the other forum away) and this new one at home and it seems to be all good.Got a big management essay due on Monday otherwise would have started a save with these two and a small team to see how good they are in real.

    But yeah,uf the 4-4-2 is much better.I think ill wait for that one then.How good would you say that is in comparison to your 4-1-2-3 and this 4-1-2-2-1??I still find your 4-1-2-3 performs better in this patch still.Just my opinion,but what do you think?

  11. How many goals do you score from corners?

    i Just realised I scored a game from corners :/

    Sorry dint see that.But this tactic is not that great away from home,opposition seems to create a lot,and your team scores IF its got some real speed.:/

    And one midfielder has to be attacking.And one defensive.Wilshere and Kovacic on fire if played alongside Fletcher And Vidal or Bender.

    I can just thank Fergie for the squad he has left me.Impossible to lose with such a great squad.

  12. Can someone recommend players for the wingers role at the start of the game? It has been very difficult for me to find inside wingers.

    don't get inside wingers,try and get out and out wingers.They tend to out perform inside wingers.Valencia > Nani,when Valencia is playing out wide.And Nani>Left winger perotti when nano playing right wing and Perotti>Nani when playing right wing,so i guess same wing same foot plays better.Dont have a left footed winger so can't test it out for the other flank atm.

  13. yes the loose marking has to be played with zonal,thats what I did with your tactic last time out hough.and I'm something from the other forum.That is how I believe is the best way to play.But I must say this tactic in itself is amazing as well!I have played 3 games or 4 games with united.And scored more than 4 or 5 each game and conceded 1 throughout.This in itself is a very good tactic.But one thing guys,try playing same side,same footed wingers,and very quick ones as well.Valencia who plays on the right better than Nani who plays on the left.This is towards the fag end of my unbeaten season.I used to play with my defense tweaked version of 4-1-2-3 of your tactic.And I was unbeaten all this time and had the same defence settings so team dint need time to adjust or anything.Again,thanks.Great tactic.

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