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horned frog 94

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Everything posted by horned frog 94

  1. True, I was just wondering in general what some thoughts might be to better it but you're right, can't complain nor need to change anything given the results! Yeah, I was reluctant to use the striker-less way of things for that reason. Thank you for responding!
  2. Hi everyone! I was wanting your thoughts/suggestions on this tactic that I somewhat fell into almost accidentally that has become amazingly stout defensively for me. My main quibble is that I feel I haven't maximized the roles up top. I've tried two SS and in the image it's on two AM-As at the moment but I just wonder what some of your thoughts might be. I ran a regular 4-4-2 and then a 4-3-3 and switched that to a 4-1-3-2 and I liked them but got tired of my strikers being a bit woeful at times so I switched to striker-less in this 4-1-3-2 and suddenly, I became near impenetrable. I switched to this current tactic for the Schalke game. Now, my team is STACKED...The average CA is probably around 170. And I do score, lots actually, but my goals are over-expressed since many are from set piece maximization and whatnot. I also know it's probably not wise to have a Mezz next to a CM-A but that CM position is awesome in this with the right player. That's actually what got me here...I did not like the inability of any of my strikers to move the way I wanted and to drop back the way I wanted to confuse the opposition so I just pushed him down and made him a CM-A and wow! Bangs in goals pretty regularly and puts in assists like he's a milk man helping wives in the 1950s! Oh, in the image it says force opposition inside...normally I have that standard, just used it for a certain game and forgot to change it but may keep that for most games, just depends. Also, it says Attacking for the mentality, but usually I play in Positive, especially once I've scored the first goal. Anyway, my Mezz is very active, the BBM gets goals and disrupts play at times, the HB usually seems to be in the right place to stop some play, the FBs are very active up the flanks, and the CM-A is super active and direct but the two up top...I just feel could be just a bit better. I'm not very good with tactics and that's why I'm hoping some of you have some thoughts on this. One last thing, I'm getting good ratings and scoring so I'm not complaining, just openly wanting some thoughts and ideas as to how to possibly tweak this in any way. I'm shocked at how good it's performing. Oh, this is in FM21 by the way, hence why the Mezz and CM-A may be performing so well and why I went striker-less. Thanks in advance! Edit: Apologies on the size of the images, I didn't know how to change that really.
  3. Noticed you're using your 4 at the back formation during this run...is that because you prefer it more compared to your 3 at the back one or did the 4 at the back just fit this squad better?
  4. Hi Meraklija, Love this tactic. Helped me win the league as West Ham in the first season, with some decent signings. Scamacca was amazing and I went 9 Premier League games without allowing a goal! I was wondering, however, would another forward type still work in the this topic or would it hurt it? I mean, would a DLF on attack affect it in any major negative way....or using another AF perhaps affect it badly as well? Just wondering what your thoughts were on this and if the TargetMan was the key component of it all. Thanks and thanks for producing such a great tactic!
  5. Are you on a Mac? I think I had that problem initially too and I had to update to the latest Mac operating system and that solved it no problem. Hope that helps some.
  6. Played a game just yesterday where I had an XG of 5.14. Opponent had an XG of .91. I lost 1-0. It nearly made me uninstall the game. I can't fathom why people are saying this ME is amazing.
  7. Ok, I'll untick that instruction and see what I may glean from your own tweaking efforts, thanks!
  8. Hey, Fuss, Thanks for saving (so far) this game for me. I didn't play '22 and am coming from '21 and I had already uninstalled this game once. Nothing was working consistently for me and I was going mad with this match engine (which I really don't see as much of a grand improvement) like many seem to do. Headers to nowhere, long balls over my centerbacks, ai centerbacks constantly keeping pace with my strikers on a breakaway, it was maddening. This has finally gotten me back into the game and doing well, thank you! One question though, I have so many shots with your tactic but they aren't great shots. I'm doing two saves with Arsenal and West Ham and I'm going with a CF rather than a DLF....I noticed on the analysis tab that my CF actually influences more of the pitch than the DLF so I decided to try it out that way and it's doing well so far. But anyway, I have noticed you have shoot less often on the IFs and FBs...would it diminish the tactic in any form if I also put that instruction on the CM and BBM? I mean I even had "work into box" instruction on in my last game as West Ham versus MK Dons and I finished with 29 shots but only 9 of them were on target. Or is part of your thought process here to have all these shots so that players may pounce on any rebounds and whatnot? Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated and once again, thanks for bringing out some enjoyment of this version of the game for me!
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