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Everything posted by weiner

  1. What about 2-1-3-4 in the attacking phase like this? See image below. I believe the easiest way to get this is to transition from 4-3-1-2 in the defensive phase to the 2-1-3-4 in the attacking phase. Building with potentially 7 players in the build up-phase. Wingbacks would get up the pitch in the attacking phase, whilst MCL/MCR providing width in the channels both in the build up and in the attacking phase. The number 6 would probably be the most important player in this tactical setup; playmaker in the build up, as well as being the key player in the attacking phase to switch the ball from left to right, as well as trying to be progressive if possible play the ball into feet to midfielders 8/10/7 (in the right image) – or even playing through balls to the two strikers. I would probably play number 8 and number 7 some kind of mezzalas in this kind of setup. However, it could be good if these two players got into the box to overload it occasionally. Number 10 have several options to be functional in this setup. This player could probably be a Shadow Striker and being a third goal threat, as well as being an advanced playmaker. Number 9 and 11 would probably work fantastic as advanced forwards, poachers or pressing forwards; to just sit at the end of the oppositions defensive line, getting ready to get onto through balls and crosses. Might even work good as target forwards or complete forwards.
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