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38 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

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    Jaiba Brava

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  1. Is there a way to see your team using the scouting center filters? I would like to use the attributes filter on my own players. Thanks
  2. Thanks for letting me know. I didn't think of that to be honest. I don't plan on modifying this database further, but will keep it in mind if I do.
  3. This file has been verified and saved using 24.3 database. Very few changes with data from the teams and corrections for regional divisions mainly in the Northeastern one. Everything else is the same as the previous version.
  4. Not sure yet, although I'm going to have a week off at the end of the month so I might just find the time to do it.
  5. Not sure what your policy for testing is like but if you need help with testing let me know.
  6. Scheduling issues when validating is the know thing that I haven’t gotten around to fix. The regional divisions should get teams promoted/relegated correctly at the regional level. Once they move up it must decide what to do depending on the number of relegated teams assigned to a regional division. Here is an image of how it decides. I’m doing a Fictional Mexican League at the moment, and I think it will help me get a better understanding on the scheduling part (I´ve also been reviewing how the game manages the schedule for the English Championship). I’ve found a few other things I would like to check more thoroughly like a team that does not have the proper regional divisions assigned to it and other minor things like incorrect stadium names and the like. Also, the Leagues Cup should not be able to get enough teams due to the Champions of Champions cup not being there, but it does get them or at least it hasn’t given me that error while it does give me that error in the Fictional League. So, I’ll look into that as well. I almost forgot, the prize money must change, I’m much more satisfied with the way I’m managing it on the Fictional League so I’ll probably change that here too. Something a bit more like what is done in the English Pyramid. Also, the money for the cups is better at the Fictional League so I guess I’ll just copy it over to this one once I’m done.
  7. Update: All teams now have a city and a Stadium. All Stadiums now have coordinates. Liga MX history updated thanks to NathanaelEKH. I was able to verify but some problems still persist. I have been moving schedules about but have not been able to make it work by verifying all leagues at once. The way I managed to verify the file was by verifying individual leagues when a problem came up. I’ll keep trying to figure out what the problem is. Any suggestions are welcome. Mexico Reimagined by Motobaka.fmf
  8. Thanks, I'm about to finish adding the coordinates for the stadiums. And was planning on adding the history for the titles. I think it has to do with scheduling. Will get to it probably by tomorrow and post an update. Thanks for sharing the file. I was wondering what would happen if I modified titles history. Would it give a cup to the teams that won it? If so I guess I'll have to change the cup history from the teams.
  9. Could you upload your file so that I can take a look?
  10. Thanks, I'll check it out. It's probably got something to do with promotional playoffs and the cups dates.
  11. Thanks for letting me know. Did you change anything with dates?
  12. The first post has been edited with a bit more of an explanation and the file now contains the cups. Please let me know if you find any mistakes.
  13. Still running some tests but in case you want to try it out here is an updated file with cups. I think it works fine, but there might be some issues with the dates. MRM 2 AR1.fmf
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