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Wiggins Top Boys

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Wiggins Top Boys last won the day on March 5

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3,776 "These go to eleven"


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    I dream of occasional fanzine mentions

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  1. Thanks to us being so generally poor it didn't feel too bad losing that one, nothing like losing to Italy or France. during the game felt various levels of sickness as you do during the actual game but the final whistle almost felt like relief. much less dickheads about last night as well compareed to the other games which made it nicer, in fact i got as far as 100 yards from my front door on the way home before i got the first abuse for daring to wear my england shirt in scotland, maybe even the Scots didn't care much this time round either
  2. delivered by trent alexander arnold leaving everyone fuming as he clearly should be in the kitchen delicately placing the pepperoni
  3. I tell you what the most insufferable part of this tournament has been. Liverpool fans going on about Trent as if they could give a toss about England. Go away ffs
  4. We've become serious contenders in tournaments even when we are **** so fair play to Gareth for doing that but now it's time to move on. We are no longer a joke like we were under the golden generation and it's time to see if someone else can make the most of that
  5. Plan has been updated to include Edinburgh's finest shawarma an hour before kick off
  6. That national front page is one of the most pathetic things I've ever seen. I thought it was the English media that were supposed to be bad
  7. In a bar full of bitter jocks dressed as jamon
  8. Mainoo's movement is also brilliant. smart and positive. take the Watkins goal for instance, he outstretches his leg but immediately makes a run to get in the thoughts of the other centre back whilst Watkins makes the advanced run. it's jus pure desire aand intelligence. Not having a go at bellingham just beyond him but someone in his position needs to be moving into the hole vacated by Watkins and De Vrij in case that shot doesnt come off or provides a passing option, although i guess that's the first time our striker did that all night so probably unexpected!
  9. Power trip officiating. Awful decision for foul plus a booking for dissent. Bin them off
  10. am i wrong but nobody is expecting us to walk and win the tournament and nobody is turning on the players? this is so far from from entitled fans and media piling on? it's exasperation from completely underwhelming performances and predictable negative tactics when there is a good chance again of getting further into the tournaments. Everyone knows that it wouldn't take too much to change fortunes but the manager is stubborn and the players are getting precious, this must be down to the way that the camp is being handled and treated. the camp seem to be making this an us and them type thing when it's nowhere near that. the mood would change fairly quickly with one decent performance, that's all it would take.
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