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64 "Houston, we have a problem"

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    Barry, South Wales


  • Interests
    Football, UFC, Basketball, Rugby, Xbox 360.

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    Athletic Bilbao

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  1. At the end of the day if i'm managing Boca, I want to feel like i'm managing at La Bombonera with the ultras screaming down and the banners flying, not a generic 3 tier blue bowl.
  2. OK, just wanted to see what level of graphics we will have when we make the jump, apologies i've upset some of you haha
  3. We know SI have signalled there will be a significant improvment, I would settle for something along the lines of late ps2 PES graphics. The main thing for me is having the feel of the atmosphere be more realistic, i.e at the moment I'm playing as cardiff and if when I zoom out it is a complete 3 tier bowl, like a big blue bernabeu. Thoughts?
  4. I think it would be good to make it possible for players/team overall to target a player specifically i.e (Telling Allan St-Maximin to run at Andy Robertson because he's carrying an injury, possesses lower pace/acceleration or is on a yellow, telling Aleksandar Mitrovic to try and get in the head of Joachim Andersen because he's on a yellow or having a poor game or telling a player to go down easier than usual if a carded player challenges. I know we have the ability to focus play in a certain direction but it would be handy to tell a specific player to target another as I feel it would add another layer of depth for the 'Tactical Tinkermen' among us. Anyway, what say you FM community?
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