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480 "They call it a Royale with cheese"


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    I live in Florida


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    BJJ, Axis & Allies, Marketing

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    St. Gallen

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  1. In the player's history page, can you please consider generating average rating for previous seasons? This would help us see how well he played in the past.
  2. How did you get three jerseys?! I've been submitting entries to FM sweepstakes for ages now, and nada.
  3. Whaaaa?.... FM is broken?... Nooooo.... FM has been broken since 2005, dear... I watched the video. At first I was, "oh my gosh!..." but then I stopped and thought, well, nothing new, isn't it?...
  4. I used my crystal ball and I know exactly what SI will say: FM25 is going to be "revolutionary like no other" and you will be able "to write your own history" with "revamped new features" that will take your game to "a whole new level". And... you'll also be able to "share your own experiences in the community of gamers" and "win prizes"!
  5. My leaderboard isn't working because I use mod files and packs. I was wondering if there is a way to unlock the leaderboard so I can see my score and place in the ranking? (I'm aware it may not be accurate given the roid-like effects of some mods, but I just wanted to have an idea of where I'm standing in the global rankings...).
  6. Thanks for your insightful observations. It makes sense. But I can't see this reflected on 3D animations. Can you notice this drop in performance due to fatigue toward the end of the game? I can't.
  7. Thanks for bringing this to the top. Glad I'm not the only one asking odd questions. :-) The more I look at tired or injured players, the less it looks they are moving any slower. Animations of players limping, slumping, catching a breather would be a nice addition. (Of course, along with a slower pace or acceleration, and more mistakes).
  8. Thanks. That's helpful. I was under the impression that each country in Europe had a very different date... I'll check it out. Thanks again.
  9. Because my post was not about Switzerland and I wanted to be clear about my question. But I agree it looks a little funny.
  10. Hi. Are there pre-set dates for players release in the major leagues? I love this opportunity to trial and hire some really good players without a transfer fee. But he problem is that I only see the release list of the nation I'm coaching in (see example image below). What are specific dates for releases in England, Spain, Italy, Germany, France, Brazil, etc., so I can put them on my calendar? Cheers.
  11. I just came across this column with players' mini photos that I'd like to add to my customized page. Unfortunately it's not named in the list of Insert Column options. Any tips on how can I add this column? Thanks.
  12. I run a good squad and am arguably the champion of comebacks because my team has been suffering a goal in the first 2 to 10 minutes of every match! Other than a regular comeback later in the game, most matches are a breeze to victory... Any strategies to avoid taking a goal so very early in the game?
  13. Any updates on a fix to reduce the ridiculous number of VAR reviews, or a button feature to remove VAR as an option? I recall there has been tons of complaints over recent years, and would like to reinforce that request. Any news? Thanks.
  14. Consider a journeyman, starting unemployed. This adds an element of job market realism and excitement about the unknown.
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