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Issue Comments posted by BuffaloPhil

  1. I appreciate that it's difficult to get anything from that save, and it's not that I have a problem with paying compensation where it's appropriate, or in not getting compensation for players that I've chosen to release.

    But I don't think I'm getting my point across well. The issue is that the game mechanics don't allow me to make an offer if the player doesn't want to, which is unrealistic. In real life, in that situation, a club will still make him an offer even if they know that he won't even consider it, because then they'll get that compensation. And the player cannot stop the club making that offer. If the rule regarding compensation is dependent on the club making an offer, then the game needs to allow the club to make an offer.

  2. Game uploaded as "Wimborne."

    I've gone on about a season from when I specifically noticed the issue. The player I was unable to keep was Max Thompson, who joined Sunderland without me getting any compensation, and there were various young players that I couldn't sign because the compensation was prohibitive although I can't remember who they were specifically.

  3. My save game is actually using a custom database, so I'm not sure it's worth uploading it (of course I can if you wish). But the rules remain the same in the vanilla game, and certainly it's a common situation for players to refuse to negotiate, particularly if you're a small club and a bigger club is showing an interest in them. That is quite reasonable - it's just the mechanics of the game that prevent me from even making an offer that are the problem.

  4. Was just about to post this. Scout rating and Analyst rating can vary wildly, but in the list view it only shows the scout rating - eg in this screenshot the scout rates Gallagher as A but the analyst only rates him as E, giving an overall of C-. But in the list view it shows A - there's no option to have a column for the overall rating or even the analyst rating.


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