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rich ruzzian

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99 "There's no crying in baseball"

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    Argentinos Juniors

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  1. If you could keep this up in the Eredivisie, you can be champion by the begin of april or maybe earlier.
  2. After the first season you've hoped to really challenge for Promotion or at least th Plays-off spots. Lets hope you and the club can bounce back from this.
  3. What a season. Winning the Champions League already in season 2 is huge. Interesting to see if the big clubs are coming for your star players. I read that you posted your initial tactic. Interested in what do you change when starting in huge games as the CL final.
  4. No surprise there @SteinkelssonFM
  5. Interesting tactic. In FM the squad of Ajax this season is not as bad, as it played out in Reallife
  6. A shame you couldn't afford Den Boggende. I have seen him grow into one of the best dutch strikers later on in the game. If only your new back-up striker could hold on to this statistic of scoring his only shot
  7. Lets hope better luck next season in the Champions League. How do you normally play? In a 4-2-4 with wingers?
  8. Massive to qualify direct in de CL, without needing the play-offs.
  9. If you could win that Coupe de FRance final would be really nice. In a first season getting some silverware. More important is that revenue stream if you could qualify for Europe.
  10. One more try for the Champions League! Amazing save to follow.
  11. Great month and always lovely if you can keep the squad together in january
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