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14 "You're a bum, Rock"


  • Biography
    Spurs fan, been playing CM/FM (mostly as Spurs, also Oxford Utd, Real Madrid, Celtic, Cambridge Utd, Barnet) since CM3.

    Currently re-discovering old CM games in-lockdown


  • Interests
    Football, Motorcycles, Classic Mini's, Ice Hockey

Favourite Team

  • Favourite Team
    Tottenham Hotspur

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  • Currently Managing
    Tottenham (FM20)

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  1. Technically even England assign squad-numbers that way, although it's on a game-by-game basis. I'm sure that there have been the odd occasion where an injury in the warm-up have caused England to start with an odd-number on the pitch as opposed to 1-11. Most recently in Wayne Rooney's international swan-song he started on the bench with #10 I think? Would be easy to do, just have a tick-box if you wanted to use squad-numbers in your options menu, or have them 'auto-assign' 1-11 for the starting - XI on the selection screen and you can make changes after?
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