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139 "Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer"

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    Rode Duivels

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  1. For Belgian players I would say: Arthur Vermeeren Jeremy Doku Maxim De Cuyper Mandela Keita Killian Sardella Tobe Leysen Charles Vanhoutte Mario Stroeykens Jarne Steuckers Matte Smets Tristan De Greef
  2. Im am managing in Serie A and Spezia Calcio has been taken over by a sugardaddy. Also Antwerp in the Belgian league but they were already a top team.
  3. it does feel like every AI shot on target is a goal, since the latest patch
  4. Won the league with Juve with this one. 97pts, only one loss, also won the Italian Cup.
  5. Dunno I had view only leagues and after a few seasons there were nothing but grey players
  6. I think its this one https://community.sigames.com/forums/topic/451185-knap-fm23-and-fm22_fm-21-fm-20-fm-19-tactic-list/?do=findComment&comment=13951640
  7. A 451 that actually does well on this match engine ? I need to try this
  8. Great tactics, won 2 straight Scudetto's with Atalanta
  9. yes other than winning more games than any other nation in the world between 2016-2020 literally nothing
  10. We scored the most goals in the previous world cup. We set some scoring records in WorldCup/Euro qualifying. Had a run of 50 consecutive games with at least one goal scored. I thoroughly enjoyed this generation and it was anything but dull to watch us play. It's over now but I will miss this team.
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