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Posts posted by JMV

  1. Great thread indeed! I love reading all the updates.

    I was lucky to get a son as well, on FM2009. My club was Centauros in the Colombian second tier after 4 years of Montrose in Scotland and two years of AZ in Holland. I promoted in my 2nd season to the first division and after the season update I noticed a young fellow with my last name in my youth team.

    My last name is very uncommon and his nationality is Colombian/Dutch with me as his favorite personnel, so it was pretty obvious. Apparently the mom is Colombian because my son has very dark skin, and I'm whiter than white:). (My nationality is set to Dutch/Canadian, as I immigrated to Canada irl).

    This was just before FM2010 was released so I stopped playing this save game. If the chance of getting a son is really 1:10,000, I'll have to go back to that game and see if I can do the same to 'my boy' and make him a respected international football player.

    I very much doubt that this will be possible though as the youth system of Centauros is really bad, so I expect him to have a low PA (I don't want to check it). His abilities are very poor and my coaches tell me he is not good enough for the Centauros team and I should drop him off the squad. :mad::thdn:.

    I will check if I can get any screenshots uploaded, if anyone cares to see! :o

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