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Everything posted by CaptainKicker

  1. I really hate that Danish newgens gets outdated names no one is called anymore. I've raised this issue for years and the Danish researcher promised to fix it, yet I still get newgens called "Jan", "Bo", "Ole" and "Torben", names that no kids has been named the last 5 years. Super annoying. Why is it impossible for the head of data from Denmark to update? It's game ruining to watch your new star newgen with a name that is in no way realistic of him getting. Takes out the realism!
  2. I really hate that Danish newgens gets outdated names no one is called anymore. I've raised this issue for years and the Danish researcher promised to fix it, yet I still get newgens called "Jan", "Ole" and "Torben", names that under 5 kids got the last 2 years. Super annoying.
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