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947 "To infinity and beyond!"


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    Love for the sport (mainly football (aka in USA Soccer)) SL Benfica, portugal huge Fan. Love fo

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    Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why is called the present.

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  1. I don't even remember what I ate last week, let alone remember a game played 21 years ago. :P
  2. But I think that FM is a computer game as well. We can't forget that. For me, the best FM is the one that balances the simulation and the game sides. For me, that was FM07 with its dated technology from today's point of view. I love the data side of the simulation, and I like to be as realistic as possible (it won't because we humans aren't perfect and we have skewed views of what the data represents the players. I don't have the same opinion of data, as anyone here... I mean, I consider Mbappé the most overrated player there is, and I have a skewed view of that player, others might disagree)... But I dislike some parts of the simulation of the side (like Press Conferences), that makes the football Manager an actual second job... I mean I played to relax, not to add another level of stress. I kinda dislike Weight being removed and if half of the database wasn't filled, that is SI's fault. I didn't use it, because Si never actually made any effort for Weight to be meaningful. Not my fault or yours... SI's... Just them. It is also SI's fault for the 5% of players who played International Football because they neglected it for more than a decade. That is why I hated Miles Blog post tone like it was our fault for only 5% played International Football... I played with the unsaked option... Does that mean I'm lesser player... No. If I'm not doing journey save, but 90% of the time I choose a team and stick to them until I get bored. I still love the other 10%, no matter how a minority it is. I play to have fun... I get everyone doesn't share this view and that is okay too. FM is a simulation computer game, and we can't forget about that last part.
  3. I like to believe there won't be... But if there is, it means the game isn't ready. If SI are honest, and transparent about it, it is okay in my books. I have no issue with waiting a little longer. if there is a need to release official 24/25 DLC, I will buy it to support FM.
  4. Hum... still a bit unsure. If SI were aiming TGS release stuff would make sense Miles be the one presenting it. I mean the guy likes this kinda of "exposure" for the lack of better word. We know he isn't going, making me unsure what exactly they are announcing at TGS.
  5. For the Match Engine underneath it all (the calculations and what not) I expect improvements, but the 3D, after these announcements we had... well call it pessimistic... We can be considered lucky if we get FM24 graphics. Not saying this is bad, but not expecting that a revolution to it. Maybe in future versions we will see improvements as SI expertise in Unity engine expands over the years. Oh... 5 days till end of September. Since normally is unlikely SI release stuff during the weekend (they have done it before, so I don't discard them at all), but my bet of having more news to be on 30th, is growing in its odds at each passing day.
  6. If this doesn't pan out Sortitoutsi will look kinda silly. On the other hand don't know why they would do this if it wasn't true... but it isn't an official channel.. so...
  7. As I said, if it is not announced on the official social media channels, here or FMFC, it just rumour and should take it with a grain of salt.
  8. The last blog post said the Late September. So... it is this week. We have for this week 3 days and a few hours to go, plus 2 days over the weekend and a Monday. People relax...
  9. May bet is also on the 30th. Sooner would be excellent, but I have my doubts.
  10. So technically we entering the last week of September. When do you think we will get any news (good (the actual first images and video of FM25) or bad (another delay)), this week? Or are you in the camp it will be on September 30th?
  11. And when comes to the actual announcement of FM25, there will be people complaining about the removed features... Even when the game is going to be release, there will be someone complaining how the option to manage the national team isn't there. However, that ain't an excuse for the SI team to completely cut off their interaction with these forums. There are mods in place to handle any kind of trolls or trolling moments some of us do suffer from time to time.
  12. What I was interested to see, what is exactly is the number people those 5.6%, really represent.
  13. I would for one gamefy the facilities, where not only see your progress visually, but also add a bit RPG, where choosing certain facilities over others would give you bonuses... But this is heresy, because the game is a Manager not Football CEO or Football Director...
  14. Miles talked about this in the June blog post.
  15. Read the interview... doesn't reveal much of what we already know. Well, the click to continue remains.
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