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36 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"


  • Biography
    35 year old Player/Manager of my local side. NCFC season ticket holder. Father of two amazing boys. Have a beautiful missus. They take up a lot of my FM playing time. Overall...one lucky guy.

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    Norwich City

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  1. HA no! A south korean who has a newgen face. Ouch! Similar to mine yet the opposite. I to got back to back promotions from conference north to league 2 with rep still being low. However, the tycoon has only pumped the odd million in for youth facilities. Transfer budget and salary has been minimal to normal levels. I'm gonna take a gamble and leave to a championship team but know they'll suddenly start getting millions when im gone.
  2. Also I use the WTS skin and on the club tab if you click finances it has a Rich benefactor section on the right. Under some like Man City it says Foreground Tycoon. Under others like Derby it says Underwriter, under others like Kidderminster for example it says none. On King's Lynn it doesn't list anything....anyone else had this?
  3. Just some further images ref the tycoon take over. Initial Budget for League 2 after promotion from National League. It didnt improve when I got to the summer. Salary per year compared to rest of conference national after tycoon take over. Initial budget immediately after Tycoon take over in Conference North. Largest its ever been. Only got smaller since. Landmarks tab showing it was a tycoon who took over. Initial message from the Tycoon after completing the takeover. Tycoon media message saying he will stop at nothing to ensure King's Lynn become the greatest team. Media message stating the tycoon promises to make £21.5m available for new players LOL!!! Gave me 100k really. Evidence of stadium improvements forced on the tycoon to meet league 2 entry requirements. Only cost 100k
  4. I started a save with King’s Lynn in conference National. Got promoted first season with real life chairman. Then second season in conference national (top of league) the chairman kept trying to sell the club. There was one failed local business man one but never got as far as a transfer embargo so guess it was never close. I then got the elusive “things might never be the same” media message. Claimed a South Korean business man tycoon wanted to buy the club and would make £11.2m available for transfers. This went on for a month or two with the “deal close” and “deal close to falling apart” media messages repeatedly coming up…then a transfer embargo set in and it happened. I have screen shots on my laptop but there was a media message using the words “tycoon” and the landmarks tab now says the club was taken over by a tycoon. However a message was received saying he was making 100k available for transfers. I mean 100k at conference level was handy but not ground breaking as a tycoon take over should be in my opinion. Our wage budget went up but only to 7th highest in national league. The original media message did the usual “he will stop at nothing to make Kings Lynn the biggest team in the land”. Either way I got promotion again in record breaking style to league 2. Budget released for that season 60k transfer budget and 60k salary budget which is ok but again not spectacular for league 2 by any means. The question I’m asking is anyone with experience of tycoon take overs, I know there is 3 different types of tycoons but if you’ve had one at lower league do they sometimes take time to start investing money. I mean my side like all conference sides bleeds money despite me never going over salary budget etc and operating carefully. The owner put £1m in to help with running costs at the end of the national league promotion season when the overall balance was £300k in the red (still no actual debt etc). He usually after an argument accepts requests to improve youth recruitment but any improvement to facilities gets rejected “because of the clubs financial situation” which I find odd as he’s a tycoon and the club balance is positive and no debt. I’m now at a stage where championship clubs are coming in for me. I always play my journey man saves as real as I can (virtually no rep, badges etc). I move when it’s realistic to etc. I didn’t know I’d get a tycoon take over but when I’m on £950 p/w and clubs are offering me £6,750 p/w wage in real life I’d surely jump to a massive club (derby and Coventry for context) but I’m tempted to stay because of the tycoon aspect. Playing round on the skin I use I noticed on the finances tab it tells you if which ever club your looking at, has a tycoon an what type (underwriter, foreground) etc. on my Kings Lynn save it just says Tycoon and no description of which. Only one I can find with no description as well. Is this normal for a tycoon save to be like this. I don’t want to leave and suddenly after over a year he starts acting like the announcements at his take over claimed he would be 😂. Basically what I’m saying is, after 30 plus years of playing fm and never getting a tycoon take over, if he’s about to give me a truck load of money randomly I will stay put lol.
  5. Maybe only a minor issue but i've noticed that staff transfers dont appear under the transfer tab of the club. For example in past FM's when clicking the transfers tab/icon on the left side of the main menu you would go as defaulted to the transfer centre which would should any on going deals etc (players/staff etc). If you then click transfer history you go as default to a list of your teams transfers in and transfer out. If you click the tab that says "all transfers" you get options for loan deals, free transfers etc, an one that says "staff". Usually clicking this for your team, or on any team it will bring up any staff in or out made that season (or previous seasons if the season is changed). In my saves no matter if I check my team or anyone elses it doesnt show any staff moves. Whether its single appointments of a coach, or mass staff leaving the club with a sacked manager for example. All the other tabs like transfers of players seem to be working correctly.
  6. Apologies @knap, I check this thread specifically everyday without fail as my go to for tactics but missed the last few days and thats enough to earn pages of new comments, so Im sorry if what I am going to ask has been asked countless times. Do you have a particular favourite tactic for this current ME. I am enjoying this years FM because mainly it appears less easy to complete beat the ME / AI. What I mean is usually I have 2-3 tactic choices and what ever team I am, no matter if its a favourite or underdog etc seems to clean house and win easily. This year I am going on win streaks, loss streaks, losing to AI tactic changes etc. I dunno if thats down to me or if others are having similar results. Im not complaining as it makes the game more realistic to me. I started with Foggia in Serie C and walked that league using one of your early HGF 451 formations (I cant recall the exact one). Did similar in Serie B before getting appointed manager of WBA who unlike real life were in the relegation zone of the championship. I had half a season and managed to get them mid table mostly using HGF. My first full season with WBA I continued using HGF and broke points and goals records in the championship. Fantastic I thought. However, in the premier league I went about 8-9 games without a win at one point and decided to change to Beowulf (P103 I think from your tests. ID 231099). It turned my season around and I have WBA flirting with the european places trying to be the best of the rest outside the english big boy clubs. I tends to really struggle with possession though (often between 41-31%). Is that Normal? I'm still finding my sides picking up a lot of yellow cards but just trying to man manage that during games etc. Is there an individual training post up within the thread also. As always thank you for your outstanding work as always. Makes the limited time I get on FM so enjoyable knowing someone far more knowledgable than me is creating good tactics.
  7. 8 Red cards from 22 games so far. Seeing lots of 2 footed straight reds annoyingly despite turning mentality down it makes no difference.
  8. I am by no means as quick as most of you guys but i've just got through my first season with Foggia in Serie C. Loving Fm as usual and while I havent used the Squad planner as much as maybe some do, I did enjoy looking at the assistant recommendations as to who is best in each position and who is the best up and coming player in each position. Heres my problem though. The squad planner landing screen with all the different positions has literally hundreds of players listed who don't play for me, never have played for me, I have never ever scouted and don't sit on any of my shortlists. In short I have no logical reason for why they are showing up in the lists for EACH position. THe processing time just to load the squad planner up takes forever. In terms of a fix or settings I cannot find anything that seems to control this or gives me an explantion as to why all these players (mostly 36 year olds + oddly) are appearing in these various lists of players. The only fix I can find is click on each individual position and then one by one go to each player and hit the - (minus) button and keep doing this through every position, an then switch to each formation loaded up and repeat the process. Its ridiculous. Is there something really obvious i'm missing that is causing this as at the start of the game this feature simply featured players who played for me. Then you could add players from a shortlist if you wanted (I didnt). Then you could click next season and it would automatically remove players on loan or out of contract next season. Thats how I thought the feature would work.
  9. The post says I cant recall which exact version as i've renamed it but it was a version of holy ghost fire that uses inverted left winger and inside forward right.
  10. Finally finished my first season on FM23. Won Serie C with Foggia. (Won the Coppa Italia Lega Pro and Supercoppa di Serie C also). Only lost one game all season. I'd estimate for 85% of the season I was using Holy Ghost Fire (I cant recall exactly think version as I stupidly renamed the files) but it was the version with a Inverted Winger on the left and Inside forward on the right. (Centre Mid Att and BBM Supply also in the centre). Really decent tactic. Plently of goals, albeit at a low level of Italian football. My Foggia side was only predicted 6th or 7th I believe. Worked really well at that level. My Inside Forward on the right scored 30 odd goals and got plenty of assist! Turned an attacking midfielder I had on loan into an advanced forward and he did the business to. Noticed the centre backs massively high in the dribbling stats for the entire division as well. Great work again Knap!
  11. Yeah thats the one. Love the stats you put in there with what ME tested on etc.
  12. great work as always. When will the Knap google sheet get updated with stats and such.,
  13. Apologies Knap was that a reply to me? Are these Tactics you would suggest?
  14. Currently using ME23.0HGFKNAP451BRENTP83MCP103ECFA with my Brighton side. Also have HGF 41231 P105ec and Beowulf 424 P102ec. Thank you
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