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themadsheep2001 last won the day on May 4

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15,550 "You've got two choices: go down the pit or work on an assembly line."


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  1. Yep, great example, that and @TCSSkin. As you say, right now a lot of information is behind too many clicks, which is exactly why i use TCS' work. If done right, this is a huge step forwards for information coming to the foreground
  2. Most of the skins I used had a similar look so personally this is a step in the right direction from the little we see.
  3. Going to say it again: Bellingham back to CM, Gordon to the left, Foden and 10. And honestly at this rate (but will never happen) Kane to the bench
  4. Yes, lets take out someone who is ace at maintaining possession exactly when you need to maintain possession. Mad sub
  5. I'll leave the Scots to decide whether Clarke should go based on the football, but the more i think about his xenophobic comments, the more id love to see him sacked just for that. You bottle a deciding game ( in the sense that there was no courage to go out and win it) and thats your response? Dickhead.
  6. Steve was already aggrieved and the question was very sympathetic/bias, dont think they expected the horrendous answer, but the entire thing was all poor unlucky/plucky Scotland. Very soft reporting
  7. Armstrong might well have been offside too, but he jumps across the player to initiate contact, rather than being impeded. Dont really get the BBC controversy around it, and its actually daft from him to not try and shoot. Thought Steve Clarke's views on the ref's nationality were a bit grim too tbh. EDIT: just noticed the BBC have edited out the worst bit of his comments, just going to skip over the xenophobia eh?
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