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518 "Wax on, wax off"

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  1. https://www.footballmanager.com/news/how-were-introducing-womens-football-football-manager "To get our women’s database right we will have to examine every single in-game attribute and define exactly how we judge the data; attributes such as pace, acceleration and agility will likely stay with the same range, but some attributes may need a different scale. These attributes also feed into our match engine of course, and work done in this area (for example, looking at height of players and how that may affect how they play – such as aiming shots higher if a goalkeeper is smaller) will be of benefit for the match engine overall."
  2. We DO know that they're doing that as that's exactly what Miles wrote in his blog about adding women in the game.
  3. Guess people forgot that they are re-doing ME to accomodate for womens football. Which should lead to a better and more realistic ME for men as well since it's a shared one. And instead just focusing on there being wOmEn in the game alongside their precious Messi, Ronaldo and Bellingham.
  4. Because it's looking similar to ben's statman skin. And they've only shown how ONE 'widget' can be seen on multiple ways. And you've commented "if it can be modified" which they clearly said it can. Resize, drag, move etc Modular! And on top of that, I like the way it looks like. Has potential to be much better than the outdated FM look.
  5. And you have seen all the in-game screenshots from all of the views and how it plays out? Can you provide more info since you're so sure about it (considering you have 0 clue what you're talking about since you haven't even read the whole article as evidenced by your last sentence)
  6. This looks a lot like what @_Ben_ is putting out on his Statman series. Also, are we gonna pretend that most of the information you want is at the fingertips and not hidden behind gazillion buttons and menus? I think most of us are so used to where things are right now that any change is gonna look and feel "off". A lot of people complains with every feature reveal that SI is putting more and more things behind more and more screens.
  7. No please, don't bring back blinding white backgrounds. Hurt my eyes so much.
  8. As I said years ago. All SI needs to do (as if that's a trivial task) is have FIFA 08/09 animations and graphics and let me have a camera in the dugout as a real manager would have. And I switch to 3D in an instant.
  9. Same but didn't use 3D at all other than for maybe...5 minutes?
  10. Scouting at the beggining of the save is a bit scuffed because you do not have a large database of scouted players.. This is what I get for 2/3 left back
  11. Like 80% of player base find graphics the most important part of the game. But obviously FM is different and FM is growing every year, partly because of 3D. I have always said, give me FIFA 08 graphics and I am a happy little camper. Also give me bench camera POV and I am even happier little camper. In terms of new graphics engine and cameras. Otherwise I will continue playing 2D until I drop dead.
  12. I will still probably use 2D. Maybe 3D if they give us an option to watch the game from the bench as a true manager would.
  13. But did anyone predict that Leverkusen will lose just one match their whole season? Didn't see that happening 5 years ago, did you?
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