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553 "Wax on, wax off"

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  1. Yeah but that's not reaaally how things work in real life. DOF (and the club) usually have set philosophy and coach usually just says "we need a striker, we need a winger and 2 center backs" and then DOF will go through a list of players with scouts and make the signings. In real life coach has little to no input on the players. Unless it's the Sir Alex type of deal. If we delegate transfers to DoF I wish we could get a screen that gives us a list of priorities - position, role, playing time. And then DoF will get you the players. Also, have the finances not tied to your board grade since you were not involved in it at all.
  2. I just wanna say that these types of posts are burning my eyes. Not because of the content (can't read) but cos of the aesthetic lmao
  3. One interesting thought. Do you guys think it would be viable for FM to allow us adjust the calendar year for the game? They for sure allow and support modding and in the last few years we have had amazing databases with most of the impactful players coming through as newgens down the line. But the immersion breaker was always that you had Giggs, Scholes, Becks on the pitch but the year waas 2024. Do you think they will allow us to just adjust the calendar year start but let us load whatever database we want?
  4. Reads the same now as well lmao. I am just gonna refrain from commenting anything cos am gonna get banned but I am so glad sometimes Miles is who Miles is and he put women in the game despite the enormous online backlash.
  5. People using EAFC24/FIFA 24 to put down women in FM is really something else. Firstly EAFC sales are down cos the gameplay is bad, it is pay to win structured, has lots of bugs and issues with the game. This year we had 2 issues with "unintended" weekend league (weekly tournament) rewwards with Mbappe/Dembele being in every pack on Friday and then it was "corrected" to basically non-existent. And then there was the MLS SBC (crafting challenge) where you was basically guaranteed 97 rated Messi card. It was fixed after about 45 minutes. That's the main issue with decline in EA FC. And regardless of that EA are still making more and more money from the game/mtx. Regarding women in EA FC and the alleged 4% or whatever it was for the achievement. You have to understand that barely anyone plays career more, play now, quick play or whatever is the name of the friendlies offline mode. That's where the achievement comes from. Almost everyone plays Ultimate Team (FUT) and in FUT there were multiple women players that are staples in the FUT for the year. I have learned so much about players, teams etc through the game and so have millions of others. I have 500 hours in EA FC 24 and do not have the achievement that I play with women in the game. But what I do have is 1000 games with Mia Hamm, 700 games with Wendy Renard, 300 games with Rolfo, Hansen, Pina, Bonmati, Alexia Putellas etc. I could recognise and tell you where about 50+ women play and their positions. Could I do that a year ago? Absolutely not. Before this I truly only knew of one female football player but just because she is famous locally. And I will dabble into women's management absolutely because it is something new, something fun.
  6. My comment was more in line with how they're gonna market it. Not like "oh we've said this will be back so here it is" but more like "revolutionary feature xyz"
  7. Also, there's always the 'play 17yr old from u19 squad' option. There's been plenty of times where GKs have been out injured and clubs play teenagers in goal.
  8. Except we practically got in and out tactic with positional play. 235 attacking and 442 defending is very much possible, for example. EA actually copied FM and just gave roles in tactic screen and made a view that tells you how they're gonna play.
  9. You really compare an arcade football game to FM? lmao
  10. If the rest of the game is status quo but they change these two things to function properly (proper rotations and development but also that AI makes mistakes if the attributes are low) I would honestly pay 100 euros for the game.
  11. You lot know you can end the press conference before all the questions are asked? AFter like 3 questions you can skip
  12. And you think that UI is gonna change significantly after one year it's been pretty much the same for almost 25 years?
  13. And that's fine. There is a steep learning curve to this game. I have been playing this game for over 20 years (CM01) and even I have stupid moments and go and read stuff by Cleon, Ozil and crusaderstar. This is simply not a game where you can hop on and be the best in 2-3 months. And you can arguably do one thing multiple ways depending on your setup, players, opponents setup and players. To negate opponents playmaker you can do the following man mark him with Makelele-like player let him have the ball and mark out his targets pressure opponents defenders, deeper players to ensure playmaker doesn't receive the ball as much go hard on him if he has low bravery so he 'gets scared' you can play deep and ask him the question of where his targets are gonna score you can also play HIGH up with combination of immediate pressure on him We lose this by having one button for such a thing. FM, despite being too easy for me for the last decade, is still one of the harder games we are left with. I am done with hand-holding in simulation type games. It is supposed to be a steep learning curve, it is supposed to be hard. Do I think SI should streamline some things (NOT dumb down)? Of course. But I actually want them to make the game, the AI harder and more intelligent but not via gimmicks.
  14. Exactly this. I am managing 9th most reputabke team in Croatia (even tho we won the league Leicester style) and my most prized possession is an 18yr old regen who is valued at 3m, his agent moaned about me rejecting offers and he agreed that 8m is a fair price. I managed to negotiate it to 14m + 35% of next sale.
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