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BoroPhil last won the day on September 21 2020

BoroPhil had the most liked content!


1,358 "Carpe diem. Seize the day"


  • Member Title
    Middlesbrough Researcher

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  1. what a goal that was. by far our best performance in the tournament. not bad for an ex-Boro manager.
  2. I can confirm that some of us in the north east understand the word insanity
  3. right, I'm banking on a Fra-Spa 0-0 and a Ned-Eng goalfest
  4. they should live stream the punishment. it's going to be either... a one-game ban, a £20k fine or a stern warning.... it's definitely not [opens envelope]....a stern warning. so that leaves a one game ban or a £20k fine... join us after the break...
  5. gone with this for this GW but seem to have picked 2 non-players. will probably stick with Musiala C now. wildcard left.
  6. interesting one, went without any mention from the commentators but anywhere else on the pitch it's a bad tackle and a foul at least
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