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228 "I mean, funny like I'm a clown? I amuse you?"


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    Blogger at www.sparkomarcogaming.wordpress.com

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  1. Its a bug, and I can see where people are coming from when saying its more realistic but its still a bug because this wasn't an issue when the game came out, it wasn't a new feature and the change only happened in the last major patch and it wasn't communicated as a change which means its bugged otherwise something like this would have been in the patch notes. Personally I don't like it because with some players I don't decide if I want to keep them until nearer the end of the season but if I knew another club had offered them a contract then it would make me have to decide earlier, without knowing at all it is annoying when it comes to later deciding to keep a player only to find out they signed with someone else months ago. Why remove something that's been in the game forever and never been an issue until now.
  2. I've been playing FM and its predecessor since the early 90s and I'm also a coach, however FM had no input into coaching as my opportunity came because my daughters at the time u10 team needed help so she volunteered me. Thankfully even though I'm now coaching a bunch of teenage girls there is a lot less squad drama and player interactions are much easier in real life than in this game!
  3. It still happens in FM24 too, its one of those little persistent bugs that moved from one version to the next and no doubt will always be in the game. I've added the individual training column to my squad view so I can see if it changes so I can change it back.
  4. I would like to see it possible to manage in both the mens and womens games during the same save but with the option to load the leagues the same way you load other leagues so you have a choice whether to load them or not and can have them playable or view only. It would be good when doing a journeyman type of save where you start unemployed and be able to move between the mens and womens teams on your way to the top. If they make them separate then the womens leagues probably wouldn't be played as much.
  5. I get the opposite, I have work the ball into the box instructions and low crosses but my players just seem to float crosses over to the back post all the time. This wasn't a problem in Beta and on launch as play did go into the box and we scored a lot from low crosses played back to people around the 6 yard line but since the first major patch its just a load of floated crosses.
  6. For me I've played every version and FM19 has been my favourite as it was the version where I had my longest save spanning over 50 years and 3 clubs while also being the only version where I've had a son and i got two in that save 30 years apart.
  7. I struggled to get into any save on FM23, for me that was the worst version so far and I'm finding FM24 much better, although I also much preferred FM24 before the last patch which in my opinion made the match engine worse and more inline with the FM23 match engine which I found frustrating to play but I'm having a lot more fun on FM24 than FM23. If I was to go back to any previous version it would be FM19 which has been my favourite.
  8. I had two in one save on FM19 about 30 seasons apart, both were rubbish. Other than those I've never had one in any other version of the game.
  9. Before the patch I felt like I was playing a different game to everyone else. I'm another of those players that started in the 90s and have played every version, the only one I didn't really like was FM23. Since playing FM24 from the early access I have loved it, I've not had any issues, good match engine, realistic scores, no being FM'd, I've not seen the high score lines others were seeing, in fact most of my games were no more than 3 goals with only the occasional one off big wins or defeats but they all felt realistic to the game performances and stats. Sine the patch however the game feels like its back to FM23 where my strikers could never score, where my players would miss sitters, where opposition teams would have super keepers, where we would outplay teams only to lose or draw as they score with their only shot and we waste chance after chance. I've played 4 seasons where I've enjoyed it, since the patch in my 5th season I'm finding myself frustrated with the game again, just like in FM23. This is my last game for example, at home to the bottom side thats not won a game this year. Since the patch this is typical of the stats, we usually still win our games but teams will score from their only shots on target that have a low xG while we will have loads of shots, lots of clear cut chances and half chances with a high xG but struggle to score because keepers play world class, even the part time ones in the Gibraltar league and my players miss sitters and hit the woodwork. Also I know the Gibraltar league isn't the best but I've built a team now that is clearly so much better than the rest of the league and we shouldn't be struggling to score against the bottom side, especially given those stats. If this is how its going to be going forward I'm going to lose my enjoyment playing the game just like I did in FM23.
  10. There are a lot more factors at play than facilities and HOYD and it can also take several years for changes to take effect, its like the game starts your intakes years before you get them so your cheated HOYD won't start having an effect straight away, you will see it maybe 4 or 5 years later or longer. Your overall youth coaching staff have an effect too not just your HOYD so you want them to all have good personalities and attributes. Also what is your club reputation? The best youth players will choose the bigger clubs first regardless of your facilities, for example if Luton had the best youth set up the best young kids will still want to join Man City because of their reputation. You should try doing a youth only save, check out the challenge section on the forums, you will learn a lot about how to produce the best youth players when thats all you have to rely on, but if you do theres no cheating allowed using the editor so it may be too hard for you.
  11. This gets brought up a lot and it would be nice to grow a nation to have the same TV deals that we see in England but it depends how realistic you want a game to be. In real life I will watch every Premiership game that's on TV and I pay for Sky and BT to be able to do so but I only occasionally watch games from other nations and those are usually between the big clubs if they are on a channel I don't need to pay extra for. If say Scotland became the biggest league in the world with some of the best players, I still wouldn't watch it because it doesn't interest me, I have no affiliation with any clubs and don't care who wins the league which is the same for pretty much most other countries football and I imagine a lot of fans are the same, so in this scenario there wouldn't be a massive increase in TV deals because no matter how big the league gets, fans outside that nation wouldn't suddenly be interested and start paying more money to watch their games a long with paying to watch games in their own nation they are more interested in. If the Saudi clubs keep signing the best players in the world and you had the chance to pay £20+ a month to be able to watch their games would you do it? I certainly wouldn't even if they had all the top players so their TV deals wouldn't go up that much if people aren't willing to pay to watch their games on TV. Of course saying that, FM is a game and you could argue that you don't want that kind of realism in a game and we just want to be able to build Gibraltar into the worlds biggest league (which my save is trying to do) and have a billion pound TV deal which would be nice, if not realistic.
  12. I think this is the least buggy FM Beta/Advanced Access I've played and I've played them all. I also think there are less bugs in FM24 now than there was at the end of FM23.
  13. Thanks, so not a bug although this looks to be something new added to the game and shouldn't really be ticked as default as I don't know why you wouldn't want your best taker taking a pen even if they have scored, if they have missed then yeah understandable but not if they have scored. Anyhow thanks for this, I'll untick the box going forward.
  14. In my penalty taker list I have 1 player listed to take penalties that has 12 for pens. In a game we got a penalty and my designated player took and scored the pen as expected, however in the second half while the score was still 1-0 we got a second penalty but this was taken by a defender with 5 for pen taking and is not listed as a designated pen taker, he missed the pen, the only player listed and who took the first one was still on the pitch so should have taken the second pen too. While this didn't cost us the win, if this is a bug it could cost future wins having the wrong players taking pens. Screen shot of pen takers list during the game after the second pen was missed: Screen shot of in game stats showing the missed pen and the takers: I have uploaded the match PKM to the cloud thing saved as Lions v College '75 wrong pen taker
  15. Because it is. Also Epic games briefly showed todays day for early access. Also Alpha videos dropped yesterday. Also if not today then likely Monday. Also if not today I think people will riot. Also because I said so.
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