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21 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"


  • Interests
    Football Manager

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    Leyton Orient

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  1. How do I get my wage budget to increase in spain what determines how much the cap is each season?
  2. I took a break for couple weeks, whats the best 4231 overall now? i'm at bayern doing a youth rebuild
  3. Yeah definetly I released him instantly ruins the immersion. then had a bug that ruined my whole save. cheers si
  4. What a name, c'mon now SI is this in as a joke?
  5. @knap is there 4231 with rpm instead of dm? or can i just change the roles?
  6. @knap Hiya would it be possible to get the blackdog tactics updated?
  7. Is it possible to select 1 training schedule and implement it for the entire season without clicking every week?
  8. Thanks for this! How have you set the database up? i see 166k players normally i do it to 110k so just interested what you added and if it will slow down my pc lots.
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