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Posts posted by CLOUDBEAST

  1. I feel the sponsorship income on my save is  unrealistic - I've won back to back league titles with AC Milan someway in the future. First time I checked I think after the first title, I had £25m compared to Inter/Juve with around £100m each which I already thought was a surprisingly large chasm, though had come after a period of little success for AC Milan. After my second title - and furthest in Champions League of Italian teams - I'm down to £19m - below 2 more teams whilst Inter increase to £102m. Anyone else having this problem? Or am I missing anything else I can do to improve this? I'm not aware of anything which might make a significant difference other than success on the pitch, already do pre-season in a high income country. Clearly I want to scream at th board we're not doing enough as I'm £80m transfer/wage budget down on my rival but this isn't an option!

  2. 34 minutes ago, swansongs said:

    When you offer to pay a player's wages it's only up to the end of their contract with you, if the player demands a 4 year deal at his new club but the contract with yours ends after two that's a whole lot of money on a "free" player when all is said and done.

    This is all 100% true up to a point yet I still don't think it cuts it for what happens on the game. The players will demand less once their current contract is up if they know they don't stand a chance of getting the same amount again. My example of not a single bit of interest on a free transfer was Umtiti which I just don't think is at all plausible.

  3. Completely agree it's way too hard....got bored of no one bidding for 1 player worth around £25m so offered him out for free and still no takers at all. In real life it would be completely unrealistic for no one to want this player on a free transfer.

    Had another older player regressing badly who I did manage to get a bid of £13.5m for which I was delighted with - the board then rejected the selling as they wanted at least £15m. He's 33 and not even getting in my squad as I've already signed replacements yet the board won't back down and no one will pay £15m so I'm stuck paying his massive wages all year. Overall cost to my club around £25m for a guy who will literally never play!


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