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14 "You're a bum, Rock"

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  1. Still in the hunt for a trophy and promotion?! Best season yet! Genuinely slightly addicted to seeing these updates every weekend, keep up the great work!
  2. Well, a quick Google shows that they have a comparable population to Andorra, and much more than nations that 'compete' in FIFA and UEFA competitions (such as Faeroe Islands and San Marino). Their population is actually approaching 3x that of San Marino! I'm not saying that they would do anything remarkable, but given the strong football history of the rest of the British Isles, I daresay they could compete with the minnows currently in Europe - at least to such an extent that they're not embarrassed in a Nations League group.
  3. I've been using those a lot for the first time in my current save, though that is having taken Barnsley from L1 to the Premier League. I rarely find many gems (hardly surprising at this level), but I've certainly got a decent amount of squad players and youth prospects over the seasons this way, so sell-on profits have been nice! Considering my budget has been woeful for both CH and PL, relying on being able to find at least a couple of free transfers per season to pad the team out has really helped. But yeah, @erik45's imposed restrictions add an extra layer to things!
  4. Finally caught up with this story this morning, and I'm glad I tuned in to the new updates today! Congratulations on the promotion! As someone who usually does saves between L2 and the Premier League, I recently tried a lower leagues save and STRUGGLED. Glad to see such a very enjoyable save at this level!
  5. Hi everyone, Been a while since I've had a long-term save. Currently starting a save with England. Do the weekly options to attend games have any impact other than allowing me to personally keep an eye on players in and around my squad? Is there any negative or positive effect on the players being watched/not watched?
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