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52 "Houston, we have a problem"

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    Falun, Sweden

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  1. It's probably easier then ever before, since you can form the midfield diamond in possession from a more regular formation, like a 4-3-3
  2. Ok I will give it a go, but I'm having a hard time picking a team, Brentford maybe? Or would that be to easy? Suggestions would be appreciated
  3. True to a degree, since the op mentioned that the original tactic had two if's, it make little sense to play narrow in attack since the roles selected already do that, likewise, with the am on attack, play will naturally be funnelled down the flanks due to a lack of central passing options, making the focus play instructions redundant
  4. The tactic in the op is very similar to how I would set up a 4-2-3-1 in the pre positional play me's, many of the settings are surprisingly logical for a plug and play tactic
  5. To add to the above, in the old days on fm11-fm12 I used to play low tempo possession football, I'm convinced that it should be possible to do something similar on fm24, but I don't really have the time (since it would require a fair bit of tinkering to make everything click perfectly and many of the roles had changed individual instructions) or the players in my squad to replicate it now
  6. Not sure what makes you think that, I have only used standard tempo/coutious mentality on fm24 and done just fine First season I used this 3-5-2 and finished 5th on 74pts (got promoted via playoffs): I'm about halfway into the secound season and if the secound half is anything like the first bit then I will probably secure a safe midtable finish with 40 something points, this season I have mostly used the tactic above, but have also experimented a bit with a 4-3-3 against big teams or when I have a a result to play on, the 4-3-3 look like this:
  7. My first draft look like this: The idea being to use the lb as a cm in buildup, and in that way form a diamond, normally I would probably have used more pressing, shorter passing and play out of defence, but for the time being that is probably beyond the capabilities of my squad when coming up against top half prem teams (more or less the purpose of this tactic is to act as a stopgap until I have good enough players to use the crazy 3-5-2 in every match again)
  8. I did managed to lock up a deal for Milan van Ewijk (loan + future fee), one day before the transfer window slamed shut, so the right side is a little bit better now. That said playing the crazy 3-5-2 against top half prem teams have understandably not gone well so far, so I might have to shelve it for the moment, go back to basics and play a tactic with wingers until I have the funds to reinforce the squad
  9. I played a very similar system on fm14, back then it was not really possible to use wide defenders in the wingback strata since they would just act like fullbacks on defend, hence why the line of four is higher up on the pitch, if I was to use a similar system again on fm24, it would probably converge and look a lot more similar to yours and the one posted by Cloud9 When I have time I will sit down and do a draft on how I would set it up on fm24, it will probably not be a finnished masterpiece, but probably good enough to overachive with a bad squad
  10. Have anyone tried to make a cruyff diamond in buildup, using 4-2-3-1 or 4-3-3 as starting point? With the fm24 changes to positional play this might be easier to achieve than ever before
  11. @Cloud9 I have yet to figure out a good way on how to make screenshots on my new laptop (there's something I need to activate to make paint function like it should), so the image quality will not be perfect, regardless, this is the tactic I used in the championship (and the players sellected will probably be my first XI heading into next season): The counter attacking play have been fantastic and the defending/soaking up pressure part have been somewhat questionable to say the least, I think this is mostly down to me asking the players to play in a manner they are not good enough to pull off every single time, rather then a tactical problem, very much a risk vs reward kind of thing
  12. That's what I normally do, stick to the same mentality/system with minimal changes done during the season, I do tactical changes during matches with substitutions rather then tamper with my tactical setup (for instance bannan/hendrick wouldn't play the cm/a role in the same way as poveda/musaba would) Kinda why I was a bit surprised when the op mentioned he change things up for big games A bit offtopic, but how on earth did you manage to finish first with wednesday? I feel the best I can possibly do with this squad is a 90 points season (which on my save wouldn't have been enough for automatic promotion), and that would probably have required me to be more familiar with the players at my disposal and not being so hellbent on playing 3-5-2
  13. I would not wory about the dm's rating as long as he is doing the job you want from him, the ME rating system is skewed towards things like headers, interseptions, tackles, assists and goals, even if he play a perfect game and makes 150+ passes with 97% accuracy he will struggle to get a 7+ rating
  14. From my impression on older versions of the game it does impact how players move backwards in the ME, ie two right footed cbs in a back 4 will leave a slightly larger gap between the lcb and the lb (assuming that the lb is left footed)
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