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FM Head Researchers
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317 "Greed, for lack of a better word, is good"



  • Member Title
    Austria and Germany Head Researcher


  • Biography
    HR Austria and Germany
    IPSO&PFSA Certified Scout


  • Interests
    Scouting, FM, Scouting

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  • Favourite Team
    SK Rapid Wien

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    No time for playing

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  1. The German Research had a big change during 2022 with 2 new Head Researcher. I can't see the original date, so it could be possible it was in the time when the change happened. I will create this guy
  2. It would be easier and more successful, if you raise this point in the database and research thread and provide the necessary data's to create this missing player.
  3. Because it is not a third kit, it is a special kit used for the Champions League. Some other teams have special kits for their FA Cup and those kits are also no 3rd kits and will not get shown. I hope my answer was satisfying to you.
  4. But was created by me. Have you started a new save or do you still use the old save?
  5. Nigerian Premier League and the Nigerian National League, playable on FM24 now. https://www.file-upload.net/download-15288568/NGA_League_File_v1.fmf.html Enjoy it
  6. I can add the 3rd kit, but i can´t change the name only for the Champions League.
  7. Obviously, you are using an older database, because those dates are correct in the ORDB. However, thanks for spotting.
  8. We can unfortunately not add those settings in the ORDB.
  9. Kits are licensed - nothing we can do from research side
  10. It is changed for a future update, which is not in hand from the research team. The stadium will be named Donauparkstadion because of legal rights
  11. The problem is, and that's the reason why it is set correctly in the DB, in fact, the second team is no Reserve team. It is a B team or II team. Reserve team is different to B or II Team. For example - in the lower leagues (starting with Level 4), most teams have the main team and a reserve team playing in an own reserve competition related to their main competition. - SC Korneuburg First Vienna and First Vienna II is different because the main team is playing in the First Division (2nd level) and their II team (not reserve team) is playing in Level 5.
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