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12 "You're a bum, Rock"

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  1. Hope so. That would be great that such changes would be available in Touch 2025.
  2. So the Dream Transfer and the Finances Boost, if I use them now in FM Touch 2024 on iOS (Apple Arcade) will I be able to use them again next year for the 2025 new game? I know that those who have used it in the Touch 2023 version were unable to use it again in the Touch 2024 version due to a limitation. Does any of the devs or SI representatives present here know since in 2025 we are migrating to a new engine with a big overhaul if this limitation will be fixed? Honestly these unlockables should be once per save not per account, giving people the freedom to play the games they are paying in the way they most desire, this is even more true in the case of gaming subscriptions, such as FM Touch on Mac and iOS that come with a monthly fee. This has been asked all over Reddit, Facebook and other social networks, would love to hear some feedback from you here. Much appreciated in advance for your time.
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