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Posts posted by brawler

  1. On 04/02/2024 at 08:03, Mitja said:

    Yes but you're here long enough to know the game's not worth buying before last patch and there's demo to try too. By doing the opposite you are actually supporting SI policy. 

    I stopped playing the game after fm21, same issues year after year, minimal progress, defending looks like 12 years old play etc.

    Agree. I had the policy of buying the game after the last patch and have done for the last  4 or 5 editions. Skipped last years edition completely though after what i read.

    However this time FM24 I thought I will give it a go and buy on release, yep bad mistake, suckered in by wording and features, never again will I buy untill i have read reviews on the last patch.

    I echo most of the negative comments on here. This is the most flawed edition out of them all. Not enjoyable unfortunately. 

    A big issue for me is player interaction and this is just one of many issues..... as an example, squad player (new to the squad), I leave out of Champions League Squad, not good enough to be in the squad and i tell him so. The player has a meltdown, which then leads to 6 players, 4 of them my best players having mini tantrums because I've left out a new signing who is a squad player (the player hasnt had time to build relationships with the squad as yet). I am then monitored on how I treat players over the coming months and the player has set a goal for me to reduce the amount of unhappy players at the squad (didnt have any unhappy players up until this point, who does he think he is anyway, hes a squad player with zero influence for goodness sake. End result, team starts to underperform.

    There isn't a single option you can use to appease the unhappy player, unless you lie and tell them they will be added at the next round of squad registrations, which is just ridiculous.

    Feels like Football Morale Manager.

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