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52 "Houston, we have a problem"

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  1. Genuinely interested if other people are finding the game playable with the current match engine. I found the constant 6 or 7 goal scorelines completely immersion breaking. The weird freak outs players have with interactions also kill the game. It's absolutely fine with a beta/early access game, but in a game with an annual release, releasing in this state is disappointing. I can accept it in a game with a 5-10 year cycle where things start rough and are the iterated on. Someone earlier mentioned cities skyline being in a worse state but you know that game will be supported for years. With a yearly release on FM though we're paying full price for a game that has a 12 month life span, and now I'm expected to wait a couple of those months to be able to actually play it and for various new systems to work as advertised. For me SI either need to have a longer BETA process (even if it's closed) to iron out kinks for a more functional release, or move more to a model of buying the game once and then paying for modular content like database, match engines, transfer system and training updates. Obviously the current system is probably working for SI financially and that's up to them, but I for one will be voting with my wallet next year if it's the same format of over promising on new features, then delivering a game in this state.
  2. Genuinely interested if other people are finding the game playable with the current match engine. I found the constant 6 or 7 goal scorelines completely immersion breaking. The weird freak outs players have with interactions also kill the game. It's absolutely fine with a beta but in a game with an annual release, releasing in this state is disappointing. I can accept it in a game with a 5-10 year cycle where things start rough and are the iterated on. With a yearly release though we're paying full price for a game that has a 12 month life span and now I'm expected to wait a couple of those months to be able to actually play it and for various new systems to work as advertised. For me SI either need to have a longer BETA process (even if it's closed) to iron out kinks for a more functional release or move more to a model of buying the game once and then paying for modular content like database, match engines, transfer system and training updates. Obviously the current system is probably working for SI financially and that's up to them to, but I for one will be voting with my wallet next year if it's the same.
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