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Posts posted by GenericName123

  1. Just an observation I want to post regarding training. I used to originally do this to keep all my players happy and noticed that they were happy to accept more intense regimes at different periods throughout the season than they would originally be happy to do at the start of the season. I have used the "line" theory, this worked well with that and was wondering if it was applicable to this "attribute-notch" theory. I have read your posts and it makes sense to me, so this observation postulates that the intensity of training can be increased in periodical times, based on the guestimation that, as players get fitter throughout the season, then they can handle a more intense workload.

    So in short, I give my first XI players positional related training up until the last notch of heavy on the overall workload schedule, then, when they are fitter throughout the season, and increase the overall workload, still in line with their positions, to the last notch on very intense on the overall workload slider.This has had excellent results, albeit with the questionable "line theory". So in line with what I have said above, my yearly training goes as follows:

    - Pre-season (Medium to V. Intensive, on weekly periods: 4 weeks in a month; thus my pre-season schedule is set into 4 different weekly routines, gradually getting more fitness intensive)

    - August-September (Last notch on of heavy on overall workload slider)

    - Oct-Dec (Last notch of v.intense on overall work slider)

    - Jan-End of Jan (Back to last notch on heavy)

    - Feb-Apr (Back to last notch of v.intense)

    - May (Back to last notch on heavy)*

    * Note for v.intense, you need good natural fitness, stamina,strength & workrate, thus change according to the capabilities of the individual.

    Like I have said, this has worked well with "line theory", there are just a couple of problems with this with regards to SFrasers theory:

    A) Due to differing amounts of attributes in particular categories, it is hard to get a v.intense regime (Overall workload) "Balanced", for particular positions

    B) Combined with SFrasers approach, this will be very time-consuming chopping and changing intensity of training throughout the season (although you could have pre-set positional heavy and intensive schedules for U-17, Developing, 1st XI, and Veteran Categories).

    So now I have come to grips with SFraser approach and Pro-Zones Focus formulae, I will apply these towards my own "beliefs" of periodical training and report the results, albeit I cannot compare to SFraser's as I have not used it yet, but it is still comparable to the "line approach". This will hopefully retrain my players CA as I would like, but still increase the results of SFrasers/Prozone philosophy.

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