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Everything posted by crpcarrot

  1. i cant say for certain but in my FM21 long save there were a a few (3 players) who played really well till appointed captain. then their form and teams form dropped till they were replaced. Edit: to clarify they had high leadership and didn't have any negative pressure traits. though they didn't get upset when they were removed as captains either. this was also before getting to EPL so lower leagues.
  2. how come in my FM 21 save i'm seeing t the opposite all the best players in the world are 29/30 ive had to break my own rules and buy 30 YO pay him the highest wahge to finally get my team 2nd in EPL year 2035. i dont have all the leagues loaded byt quite a few are all the mian countries and 2nd tier european leagues. maybe its till not enough. also should point out the options for loading a league are not very clear and its a bit too late to chage it once youve started.
  3. im in year 2035 in FM 21 and had this message from Ass Man for first time that one of my best young players is not handling the pressure of first team football well. or struggling to handle it, something like that. he played very well last year but has been inconsistent this year. team has been in the EPL for last 4-5 years and have managed mid table finishes in last 3 years not quite reaching European football. wage budget is in the bottom 5 and we are always predicted to finish at the bottom 5 of the league. though we have over achieved consistently at the begging of the year when i suggest we go for mid table finish lot of players were not happy. ive bought in a couple of more experienced players at higher wage and its helped us stay in the top six so fat. about 15 matches in. lots of draws and some good wins. recently said player is being scouted by man city regularly. so my question is how do i help him> do i play him little less for a while? his coach report says nothing about his big game ability and believe mentoring does not hemp with that. also hes an highly influential player so the other older team mates do not affect him at all. he is currently 20 and been playing to increasing degree last 3 years. or is this something that will go away with time or when hes less under scrutiny. please point me to any other posts if its already covered. thank you
  4. i'got Barnet to the premier league (in 2029) and stayed there for 4 seasons. however each year i cannot maintain performances. the team plays well for a spell of about 3 months but then then fall away and never regain their form. or start very slowly so even if they end well they don't get much higher than mid table. even players who play 2 -3 months at 7.5+level suddenly cant play above 6.5 this seems to affect all my players except for the defence. my team lacks good leaders there are about 3 players with high leadership but they are not good enough to play all the time. exception is my goalie and i am presuming my defence does well through out the season because of him standing behind them screaming at them. so my question how many leader do you normally have in a successful team and what's a good rating for leadership is 15 enough? also does having good leadership trump other technical stats
  5. yeah i ve sold a few keepers in my save bought by top tier club to be never used again. made some good money from that. they were good when i was in lower tier but never though they were that good.
  6. now ive been in the PL for 3-4 seasosn but am also thinking players can keep playing as long as their physical atts are OK. also there doesn't seem to be a point in buying any player who is 26 or over unless he is the finished article.
  7. agree the game shows they have developed but looking at their stats hardly anything has changed. seems current ability is king potential never arrives or just drops every year.
  8. also hate it when players who demand playing time play horribly when they do get the chance
  9. i'm only playing 21 year 2034. and i've noticed that too. every player i let go did not do well. some hardly got a game. don't have an explanation other than AI cant train their players to improve. judging by how my asst Man allocates work among coaches i am not surprised. previous version i played were 2011, 12,13 i remember regretting selling players in those cos they did so well after leaving.
  10. i seem to have a captain curse in my save. every player i choose as captain has dropped performance significantly. they ahve all had high leadership ratings 15+ ang have enjoys big matches etc but cant seem to cut it as captain. problem is my other choices are much lower in leadership stat. also my current VC is a realist and seems to struggle to stay motived. it could that the press think we are overachieving and our odds before every game is against us. (only 2nd season in PM) though weve managed to finish mid table both seasons have had really bad losing streaks against the bigger teams but managed to win/draw enough to keep out of relegation battle with one or two surprise wins along the way. is realist a bad personality type for captian? also dont seem to be able to really change personality of player s even mentoring for long tie. thought they seem to learn special moves quite often from the group.
  11. how long does it take players to develop on pitch relatiosnhips? and is there a way of getting rid of a negative one?
  12. what's the affect of adding leagues players 10 years into a save?
  13. I'm not at home right now and i don't know the right term for it in game, i'm talking about the lined on the tactics screen that show two players work well togther. well in my case i've got a dotted line between my RFB and RAM apparently they don't play well together. seems a bit strange as they have performed good and bad but since we nroe not the best team in the EPL ther e was been some losses. my problem is that they are two of my best players in the positions and and i cant really leave either of them out. they don't play well in other positions either. is there a way to improve the relationship issue? maybe putting them in a same metoring group or something
  14. i have only one save and have reached the championship. have noticed i [in lower leagues at least] 30+ players decline quite fast so generally have sold them when they reach 29/30. hasn't happened often as been generally buying really young players. now some of the players who got me up the leagues are reaching 30. they are not first choice but are useful to the squad but are all team leaders. everyone respects them. sold one of them who hardly plays and fans not really happy. so just got me thinking in the recent versions of the game players maybe good even after reaching 30? and generally wheat age do you start thinking of selling your players?
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