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Marco Borghesi

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Everything posted by Marco Borghesi

  1. Great progress ... removing face. I'm adding the Kit_icon instead, even if that silly bug of other squad player. Anyway ... can you help me understand how to align properly at the top line of the Kit the name? <panel> <attachment_group class="horizontal_arrange_vertical_autosize" horizontal_alignment="left,extend" horizontal_gap="8"/> <widget class="kit_icon" id="prop" scale_picture="true" keep_aspect_ratio="true" image_alignment="centre_x" height="120" width="120"> <record id="object_property"> <list id="get_properties"> <!--Facegen data request--> <record get_property="fcgn" /> <!--Fake name request--> <record get_property="Pfke" /> <record get_property="prpc" set_property="valu" /> </list> </record> </widget> <container> <attachment_group class="vertical_arrange_autosize"/> <widget class="person_button" auto_size="all" size="12" style="bold" info_popup_enabled="true" icon_enabled="true" person_is_player="true"> <record id="object_property" get_property="objt" set_property="valu" /> </widget> <container> <attachment_group class="horizontal_arrange_vertical_autosize_centre" horizontal_alignment="left,extend"/> <widget class="object_portrait_picture" id="npiB" image_alignment="centre" scale_picture="true" wants_mouse_events="true" width="20" height="20"> <record id="object_property" dont_set_hint="true" get_property="PNat" set_property="objt" /> </widget> <widget class="player_age_and_description_widget" file="none" height="18"> <attachment_group class="vertical_arrange_autosize" vertical_offset="0"/> <record id="object_property" get_property="objt" set_property="objt" /> <widget class="text" id="mtxt" alignment="left,centre_y" auto_size="vertical"> <translation id="text" translation_id="347559" type="use" value="[%number#1] year-old [%player_description#1][COMMENT: inbox person information panel; person description]" /> </widget> </widget> </container> </container> </panel> How it is How i would like it to be
  2. Not yet. I believe I can release a V1 by end next week. I'm trying removing as many faces I can, but I'm quite sure V1 will have some left behind ;-)
  3. Make sense. Thank you anyway @bluestillidie00. I found out that if you refresh the skin it works, but as soon as you trig one of your pages with the "kit_icon", than randomly they change on those player linked to your pages. Like scouted players etc. So wired and randon
  4. do you mean file or 'ID'. do you know if there is an ID= that tell the which team kit show?
  5. @Tyburn do you know why, when a player is in my shortlist or transfer list like this screenshot, with this code, he get my kit colours instead of his squad. <panel> <boolean id="save_session_state" value="true" /> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" apply_to_children="true" inset="0,0,0,0" /> <list id="properties_to_forward"> <record get_property="is_in_inbox" set_property="is_in_inbox" target="sCSB"/> <record get_property="is_in_recruitment_meeting" set_property="is_in_recruitment_meeting" target="sCSB"/> </list> <container class="main_box_no_margin" red_replacement="bg"> <attachment_group class="vertical_arrange" vertical_alignment="bottom,extend" horizontal_inset="0" vertical_offset="0" vertical_gap="0" /> <container class="main_contrast_box_no_margin" red_replacement="bg darker"> <attachment_group class="vertical_arrange" vertical_layout="120,-1" horizontal_inset="0" vertical_offset="0" vertical_gap="0" /> <!--Top header w/ player info--> <container class="inner_subtle_box_no_margin" appearance="boxes/custom/scouting/heading/paper" red_replacement="bg lighter"> <container class="client_object_viewer_xml_panel" height="120"> <record id="object_property" get_property="Pers" set_property="objt" /> <attachment_group class="horizontal_arrange_autosize" horizontal_alignment="left" horizontal_inset="0" horizontal_gap="8"/> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="top, left" inset="0" /> <container height="130"> <attachment_group class="horizontal_arrange_autosize" horizontal_alignment="left" horizontal_gap="8" horizontal_offset="10"/> <container width="140"> <attachment_group class="horizontal_arrange" horizontal_gap="0"/> <container width="110"> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" apply_to_children="true"/> <widget id="bak1" class="kit_icon" image_alignment="left" width="140" kit_zoom_level="3" priority="1" late_loading="true"> <record id="object_property" get_property="Pers" set_property="objt"/> </widget> </container> </container> <container height="68"> <attachment_group class="vertical_arrange_horizontal_autosize" vertical_alignment="middle" horizontal_inset="0" vertical_offset="0" vertical_gap="2" /> <widget class="client_object_property_panel" property="Pnms" height="20"> <record id="object_property"> <list id="get_properties"> <record> <integer id="get_property" value="objt" /> <integer id="set_property" value="objt" /> </record> </list> </record> <record id="widget_info" alignment="left,centre_y" auto_size="horizontal" colour="text" info_popup_enabled="true" font="title" size="large"/> </widget> <container height="16"> <attachment_group class="horizontal_arrange_autosize" horizontal_layout="26,-1" horizontal_offset="0" horizontal_gap="2"/> <widget class="client_object_property_panel" property="PNat"> <record id="object_property"> <list id="get_properties"> <record> <integer id="get_property" value="objt" /> <integer id="set_property" value="objt" /> </record> </list> </record> <record id="widget_info" height="18" auto_size="horizontal" size="small" colour="text" display_format="4" alignment="centre_y"/> </widget> <widget class="player_age_and_description_widget" size="small" colour="text" file="none" height="16"> <record id="object_property"> <list id="get_properties"> <record> <integer id="get_property" value="objt" /> <integer id="set_property" value="objt" /> </record> </list> </record> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="top,left" inset="0" apply_to_children="true" /> <layout class="fit_children_attachment" alignment="horizontal" offset="0" gap="0"/> <widget class="text" id="mtxt" alignment="left,centre_y" height="16" size="small" auto_size="horizontal" wrap="false"> <translation id="text" translation_id="347559" type="use" value="[%number#1] year-old [%player_description#1][COMMENT: inbox person information panel; person description]" /> </widget> </widget> </container> <widget class="client_object_property_panel" property="PpsC" height="16" size="small"> <record id="object_property"> <list id="get_properties"> <record> <integer id="get_property" value="objt" /> <integer id="set_property" value="objt" /> </record> </list> </record> <record id="widget_info" alignment="left,centre_y" auto_size="horizontal" colour="faded text"/> </widget> </container> </container> <widget class="vertical_divider" width="2"> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="vertical" inset="8"/> </widget> <container id="pLRC"> <attachment_group class="horizontal_arrange_autosize" horizontal_alignment="left,extend" horizontal_gap="8" vertical_inset="0"/> <container> <attachment_group class="horizontal_arrange_autosize_vertical_centre"/> <widget class="object_portrait_picture" width="26" height="26" navigation_focus_target="true"> <boolean id="scale_picture" value="true" /> <boolean id="keep_aspect_ratio" value="true" /> <flags id="image_alignment" value="centre" /> <record id="object_property" get_property="Pclb" set_property="objt" /> </widget> </container> <widget class="client_object_property_panel" property="Pclb"> <record id="object_property"> <list id="get_properties"> <record> <integer id="get_property" value="objt" /> <integer id="set_property" value="objt" /> </record> </list> </record> <record id="widget_info" auto_size="horizontal" height="16" auto_size_maximum_height="26" alignment="left,centre_y" colour="text" icon_enabled="false" style="semi_bold" /> </widget> <widget class="vertical_divider" width="2"> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="vertical" inset="8"/> </widget> <container> <attachment_group class="vertical_arrange_horizontal_autosize" vertical_alignment="middle" vertical_gap="-2" /> <attachment class="test_screen_size_attachment" skip_if_false="true"> <list id="properties"> <record> <flags id="alignment" value="horizontal" /> <integer id="min_value" value="0" /> <integer id="max_value" value="1450" /> <symbol id="set_property" value="hidden" /> <integer id="true_value" value="true" /> </record> <record> <flags id="alignment" value="horizontal" /> <integer id="min_value" value="1450" /> <integer id="max_value" value="30000" /> <symbol id="set_property" value="hidden" /> <integer id="true_value" value="false" /> </record> </list> </attachment> <widget class="game_formatted_label" id="wgex" alignment="left,centre_y" auto_size="all" colour="text" size="small" multiline="true" width="100"> <record id="object_property"> <list id="get_properties"> <record get_property="PcMM" set_property="var1" dont_set_object="true" /> <record get_property="Pcww" set_property="var2" dont_set_object="true" /> <record get_property="Pced" set_property="var3" dont_set_object="true" /> </list> </record> <list id="format"> <record value="-1"> <string id="format" value="" /> </record> <record value="0"> <translation id="format" translation_id="450823" type="use" value="[%wage#2] until [%date#3-short][COMMENT: player overview; wage and contract expiry date string, small change to ID 394401 to remove the 'Earning' part so this can be used in a lot of places]" /> </record> <record> <string id="format" value="[%wage#2]" /> </record> </list> <record id="forced_formats" var2="vf_wage" /> </widget> <container class="player_contract_panel" file="" width="100"> <record id="object_property" get_property="objt" set_property="objt" /> <attachment_group class="vertical_arrange_autosize" /> <container id="main"> <attachment_group class="vertical_arrange_autosize" /> <widget class="text" spec="text" id="typw" auto_size="all" colour="text" size="small"/> </container> </container> </container> </container> <widget class="client_object_property_panel" property="Pnfo"> <layout class="centre_in_parent_attachment" alignment="vertical"/> <attachment class="test_screen_size_attachment" skip_if_false="true"> <list id="properties"> <record> <flags id="alignment" value="horizontal" /> <integer id="min_value" value="0" /> <integer id="max_value" value="1250" /> <symbol id="set_property" value="hidden" /> <integer id="true_value" value="true" /> </record> <record> <flags id="alignment" value="horizontal" /> <integer id="min_value" value="1250" /> <integer id="max_value" value="30000" /> <symbol id="set_property" value="hidden" /> <integer id="true_value" value="false" /> </record> </list> </attachment> <record id="object_property"> <list id="get_properties"> <record> <integer id="get_property" value="objt" /> <integer id="set_property" value="objt" /> </record> </list> </record> <record id="widget_info" width="60" height="25"/> </widget> </container> <container class="client_object_viewer_xml_panel" height="54"> <record id="object_property" get_property="Pers" set_property="objt" /> <attachment_group class="horizontal_arrange_autosize_all" horizontal_alignment="right" horizontal_offset="10" horizontal_gap="5"/> <layout class="centre_in_parent_attachment" alignment="vertical"/> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="top, right" inset="0"/> <widget class="popup_button" id="slPP" fixed="true" auto_size="all" alignment="left, centre_y" hidden="true"> <translation id="text" translation_id="516730" type="use" value="Suggest player[COMMENT: AREA: Recruitment meeting; SUB-AREA: Recruitment meeting scouting cards panel; FR-BN: 32765; NOTE: Scouting card popup title for suggesting shortlisted players to scout]" /> </widget> <container> <attachment_group class="vertical_arrange_autosize_all" horizontal_alignment="right" horizontal_inset="4"/> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="right" inset="2" /> <widget class="link_button" appearance="buttons/link/title/button" section="Pssr" alignment="right,centre_y" auto_size="all"> <translation id="text" translation_id="317219" type="use" value="View Report[COMMENT - view scout report card screen]"/> <string id="create_if" value="is_fmt"/> <record id="object_property"> <list id="get_properties"> <record> <integer id="get_property" value="objt" /> <integer id="set_property" value="objt" /> </record> </list> </record> </widget> <container height="20"> <attachment_group class="horizontal_arrange_autosize_all" horizontal_alignment="horizontal" horizontal_inset="0" horizontal_gap="10" horizontal_offset="6"/> <widget class="link_button" appearance="buttons/link/title/button" section="Prov" alignment="right,centre_y" auto_size="all"> <translation id="text" translation_id="317219" type="use" value="View Report[COMMENT - view scout report card screen]"/> <string id="remove_if" value="is_fmt"/> <record id="object_property"> <list id="get_properties"> <record> <integer id="get_property" value="objt" /> <integer id="set_property" value="objt" /> </record> </list> </record> </widget> </container> <container height="20"> <attachment_group class="horizontal_arrange_autosize_all" horizontal_alignment="horizontal" horizontal_inset="0" horizontal_gap="10" horizontal_offset="6"/> <widget class="scouting_knowledge_widget" id="kwid" auto_size="all" font="title"/> </container> <container id="sRTX" height="20"> <attachment_group class="horizontal_arrange_autosize_all" horizontal_alignment="horizontal" horizontal_inset="0" horizontal_gap="10" horizontal_offset="6"/> <widget class="text" id="srTX" colour="faded text" auto_size="all" size="small"/> </container> </container> </container> </container> <container id="recC"> <attachment_group class="horizontal_arrange" horizontal_layout="340,-1" vertical_inset="10" horizontal_offset="10" horizontal_gap="4"/> <!--Scouting recommendation subpanel on the LHS--> <container class="inner_subtle_box" navigation_container="true" width="340"> <attachment_group class="vertical_arrange" vertical_alignment="top,extend" horizontal_inset="4" vertical_offset="0" vertical_gap="4" /> <container> <attachment_group class="vertical_arrange" vertical_alignment="bottom,extend" vertical_offset="0" horizontal_inset="0" vertical_gap="4"/> <container class="scrolling_box"> <widget class="text" id="RecT" alignment="left,top" colour="faded text" auto_size="vertical" multiline="true"> <record id="object_property" get_property="text" set_property="text" /> </widget> </container> <!--Key- and other reasons subpanel (panel autosizes)--> <widget class="player_reports_overview_summary_panel" file="player/player reports overview summary vertical scouting card" mode="6"> <record id="object_property"> <list id="get_properties"> <record> <integer id="get_property" value="Pspc" /> <integer id="set_property" value="Pspc" /> </record> <record> <integer id="get_property" value="Pers" /> <integer id="set_property" value="objt" /> </record> <record> <integer id="get_property" value="hpde" /> <integer id="set_property" value="hidn" /> </record> </list> </record> </widget> </container> </container> <!--Pros/cons & Analysis section on the RHS--> <container> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" apply_to_children="true" inset="0" /> <container id="prcn" > <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" apply_to_children="true" inset="5" /> <widget class="player_scout_reports_panel" id="sCSB" file="player/player scout reports analysis subpanel" type="5"> <record id="object_property"> <list id="get_properties"> <record> <integer id="get_property" value="Pers" /> <integer id="set_property" value="objt" /> </record> <record> <integer id="get_property" value="SCii" /> <integer id="set_property" value="SCii" /> </record> <record> <integer id="get_property" value="SCti" /> <integer id="set_property" value="SCti" /> </record> </list> </record> </widget> </container> </container> </container> </container> </container> </panel> This is something that happen in general to any player in my shortlist or in my Scouting area as you can see. Any idea?
  6. I don't believe it. Basically ... the other day ... I made a huge mistake with Visual Studio Code and got some file mixed up and since then I had to re work many file. But ... because I hade to find those silly faces aaaaaand ... ta daaaaa
  7. Now i have one left that I'm struggling with. Trying to do the same but this is even worse. At least i had a god 'id' to look for. If you have time to give it a look ... your input helped a looooooot!!!! this is the xml that control the page: inbox content with physio update panel.xml
  8. @Tyburn found it. You can't even believe. Your hit made me think and instead i was looking 'id="name"' considering in the table was the first item it was calling up. So i could see which file had that.
  9. to give you and idea @Tyburn 'club playing times for upcoming season panel.xml' control this page in the screenshot. But nooooo way i can understand how to remove the picture.
  10. this is the general why i'm working out. So far i'm doing ok. These 2 pages i've posted, i've found the xml file but can't find out what controls them. I'm looking into all widget file now like you've suggested
  11. @wkdsoul i've seen your insane (amazing) work on your player page. So ... considering your great expertise, I was wondering if you can help me figure out these 2 pages that I can't work them out. Basically i'm trying to removing completely the portrait from the game. I'm doing well so far but these 2 are driving me crazy. Is there a way you know or you can help me find out what's trigger those silly faces? this is a desperate request of help LOL
  12. guys help! LOL i'm back on this page but i can't figure out what's control the name and the face. This is the file that control the page: club playing times for upcoming season panel.xml but no clue on the face. Can you help me figure it out? Thanksssss
  13. Thank you @Squinty13 I agree with you on the pain LOL. On your second question ... welllll ... i don't know ... i Hope it will LOL. By the way ... I hope to have a Version 1.0 soon even if there will be ... some faces left behind LOL
  14. i see ... ok so ... i won't put it back ... considering without that ... the date look like the way i want. thank you @snowofman as always
  15. Thank you @bluestillidie00 for your reply. Ii've actually find out that my "current game date widget.xml' file has something to do with it, once I moved over my 'panels' folder. So right now, i'm keeping out of the skin. Does that file effect the game? Do i need to put it back?
  16. only thing i can't figure out @michaeltmurrayuk is the date. I get this even if i don't have that instant button. Do you know?
  17. actually ... i've sorted. I added an instant button to go faster through the season to check the skin evolution and that file was the problem.
  18. Hi @michaeltmurrayuk i've followed this. Now i have a skin but my main screen has changed.i don't have background anymore. I've copied my panels folder into 2023 Base Skin as it is and reload the skin. It is all good a part the background that is gone everywhere. What have i missed?
  19. Hi guys, i've progress a lot with my No Face Skin but there a few sections i can't figure out how they work. This on is an example. I know that "inbox content with physio update panel.xml" is the file that control it. But I can't really figure out where he gets the picture i need to remove. Can anyone help on this one? PLEASE
  20. Do you know which is the file that control the right click mouse menu?
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