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10 "You're a bum, Rock"

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  1. Thanks - yes unfortunately this is the furthest back I have an active save. I only realised when getting to the summer transfer window and wondering why I had no wage budget available. I'll send a save file over - thank you!
  2. A better screenshot. This is the furthest back backup, so unfortunately I don't have any backups from before when these were agreed.
  3. Hello, I have a really odd issue where every youth prospect is being signed on £245k p/w contracts. Between 3 of them, they make up 85% of my total wage expenditure. These are all contracts agreed by my DoF rather than me. The maximum wage I can offer a first-team player is about £16k so there's clearly some kind of bug here. What is happening and how can I fix it? I can't continue my save with these 15 year olds taking up my entire budget.
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