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Issue Comments posted by c0nn0r

  1. 16 hours ago, celtic_fc said:

    The Celtic squad is still an absolute riot.  Could point out all the inaccuracies but little point at this stage, will just stick with the custom database as my main save which is I've never done before in 20+ years of playing the game.  

    Honestly I just gave them the most obvious one of Forrest and Yang's physicals. Liam Scales, O'Riley, Palma, Kyogo, Yang and the youth players are all a state. 

  2. 9 hours ago, ATW said:


    Which McGregor is in game... in fact he's the best in the league.  


    You do understand what having an AML rating for a striker means? don't you?, Don't you?.  If not, that's may be an issue.


    Go, on I will entertain you on a historcally 1 in 3 "pretty significantly underrated" Kevin Nisbet.  Where do you think the joint best striker in the Premiership outside the Old Firm (5th natural in league, and 8th overall) be "improved".  Or how about Greg Taylor who is looking at the overall package (I'd recommend you do that btw) is the 2nd best in the league.  


    Floor is yours my friend.

    We'll start with McGregor then. Not listed as a natural DMC only listed as 16/20 despite playing there for his last 78 club games. Meanwhile Kyogo is listed as a natural (18/20) left winger and accomplished (15/20) on the right. Kyogo has played one game at left wing in his last 68 club games with the rest being at striker.  Another thing on Kyogo while I'm here, I do not understand how he doesn't have the breaks offside trap ppm, he spends most of the game making runs in behind most of the time unnoticed by whoever is on the ball but perhaps his 18 off the ball is compensation for that. 

    Kevin Nisbet fair play data on him this season is low due to his injury so I understand him being fairly similar to where he was at the beginning of the year but  9 first touch should be improved to at least 11. I think his off the ball could be improved at the expense of his positioning as you will notice most of his goals are one touch finishes due to good offensive positioning. Bumping his pace to 12 at the expense of strength should be understandable too. 

    Greg Taylor 11 first touch and anticipation could be improved at expense of his heading. Decisions could also use a bump by 1 or 2 based on his choice of pass this season specifically those placed between full backs and centre backs to get wingers (usually Maeda) in behind defences. 


    I was going to mention Iwata but it seems like he only has 16 attributes filled in which I understand due to the JLeague not being licensed there probably isn't much in the way of scouting the JLeague. Alistair Johnston having 10 strength should probably be looked at though. 


    I return the floor to you my friend. 

  3. 2 hours ago, ATW said:

    We watch the players, every researcher we have watches a lot of football, but especially "their team".  We also have year long discussions on players, teams, managers ... you name it we probably discuss it.  


    The problem you find though people compare CA, without looking behind the numbers, knowing the weightings each individual Attribute rates.  Not to pick on you (really not) but when you think of technical player, you've mentioned "technique attribute" but none of the others that make what you'd class important for a technical player (e.g First Touch, Passing etc.). 


    Then you have all the hidden attributes that doesn't effect the raw CA number but effects the real in game CA performance...

    I find it difficult to believe that after over a year those discussions did not lead to anyone mentioning that Callum McGregor has played DMC for over a year comfortably, Kyogo has played one game on the left wing and players like Greg Taylor and Kevin Nisbet are pretty significantly underrated.  I can only assume that some changes were held back until the final Winter patch but if this is what we're left with until the next game then it's pretty disappointing. Another issue is managers preferred formations and play style, they seriously need looked at. 

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