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  1. Just found out that a similar thing happened to a friend of mine, who isn't using any custom DBs. Behold Jonas Cabral, the only player who can compete with Andrezinho in terms of reputation: So the plot thickens.
  2. Hi all, I just came across the strangest thing. A random unknown player just got his World Reputation bursting through the roof out of nowhere. And I mean that literally, his actual World Reputation is over 10000, according to FMRTE (for which I don't have a license, so I can't edit anything, but still allows me to see hidden attributes): His name is Andrezinho. Not that he needs any introduction, since he suddenly became the world's most recognizable player: Which lead him to be on the GOAL50 Top 5 for the second year in a row, even though he ain't that great (don't hate me, fanboys) and plays in Ecuador's third division: Gotta hand it to those GOAL50 scouts, they really went deep on their analysis. It wasn't always like this though, I loaded an older backup of this save from back in 2024 and his rep was, as expected, very low: So somewhere along the way something made this particular player's (and only his, from what I could tell) world rep go bonkers. Maybe he started doing adult films or something. Bear in mind that I have custom DBs active, which I have been adding and removing throughout the save, depending on where I want to manage. Still, I wouldn't expect any custom DB to be able to push a player's world rep over 10000, which should be the hardcoded maximum limit. This isn't a gamebreaking bug or anything, I actually find it kinda fun, to have a random guy popping up alongside the world's best players. I just figured you might want to look this up, or know what might have caused it and could satisfy my curiosity
  3. Thanks! Although I'm seeing that same calendar issue as @caoxide, even in future seasons. That's about the only issue I can point so far. I believe those U18 B teams do exist. I did end up with both A and B U18 teams on the division, but I don't know if that can be avoided via the editor.
  4. Oh no Are you going to do a first release with just J1 to JFL before diving into that?
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