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Posts posted by miogoon

  1. Well, I have these problems sometimes too, depending the defender I'm playing. I have one who has 15 for marking and positioning, it's good but not great, so I usually just keep him on man marking, but turn off tight marking, and it usually helps. He gets beaten less, especially by fast strikers. Usually he'll keep a bigger buffer zone between himself and the opposing player. He's also not that fast, 13 pace and acceleration. So just turning off tight marking seems to help him in this instance.

    I almost agree your opinion man marking is better than zone for CBs. However I think turn off tight marking is not a good measure, because it could be make defensive problem. As you know, tight marking cling enemies like barnacle. So, if you turn on tight marking, your CBs annoy enemies and take away space from them. Otherwise turn off tight marking, the other side players get more space and they can dribble or cross or something like that more freely. Then, let's think, which one is more safety countermovement for fast players?

    In case of you get into trouble through fast players, I recommend just move your CBs close down to left one~two notches or pull down defense line little bit, and that change might be make your CBs keep their position, so they don't rush out to fast players carelessly.

    Sorry for my bad eng. :)

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