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Posts posted by cdiak

  1. I have a problem with the back kits showing in the pitch tactic screen. I use custom back kits for the teams (according to the team id) so that I see in the tactics panel the unique kit  of every team. (see photo)

    the code I was using was  for example :

              <record from="olympiakos_h" to="graphics/pictures/club/981/kits/back/outfield/home/plain/kitstyle/48"/>
            <record from="olympiakos_a" to="graphics/pictures/club/981/kits/back/outfield/away/same as front/kitstyle/25"/>        
            <record from="olympiakos_t" to="graphics/pictures/club/981/kits/back/outfield/third/same as front/kitstyle/25"/>

    seems that it is not loading the kits . Does anyone know if I must change something or what the problem is?




  2. 29 minutes ago, wkdsoul said:

        <widget class="kit_picture" id="T_hk" kit_id="0" scale_picture="true" keep_aspect_ratio="true" image_alignment="centre">
          <boolean id="aull" value="true"/>     <!-- needed for fantasty draft create club changes -->
          <record id="object_property">
                                <integer id="get_property" value="Tidx" />
                                <integer id="set_property" value="indx" />


        <widget class="kit_picture" id="T_ak" kit_id="1" scale_picture="true" keep_aspect_ratio="true" image_alignment="centre">
                              <animation class="slide_in_bottom_animation" duration="0.5" tween="ease_out" high_priority="true" />
          <boolean id="aull" value="true"/>     <!-- needed for fantasty draft create club changes -->
          <record id="object_property">
                                <integer id="get_property" value="Tidx" />
                                <integer id="set_property" value="indx" />

    it seems that the kit_id="1" code forces the Algeria kit to load...

  3. which are the new codes?

    I have this:

                <!-- HOME TEAM KIT -->            
                    <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="20" apply_to_children="true" />           
                <widget class="kit_picture" id="T_hk" scale_picture="true" keep_aspect_ratio="true" image_alignment="left" >
                    <boolean id="aull" value="true"/>
                    <record id="object_property">
                        <list id="get_properties">
                            <record id="object_property" get_property="hkID" set_property="ktid" />
                            <record id="object_property" get_property="home" set_property="Ttea" />

  4. I noticed that the icons in sidebar use the table/standard/row/normal/row upon them wich is transparent in game. I changed that row to semi-transparent but I dont want it to show up in the sidebar icons.....

    Can I force the icons use some other row?



  5. 3 minutes ago, Marko1989 said:

    Isn't possible to drag and drop the icons? I don't use icons in sidebar but I can re-order the sidebar items with my mouse, you just take one menu item and drag it to the place you want. Here for example I have moved training item near the top



    OK I see...

    I also see that the icons use the table/standard/row/normal/row upon them wich is transparent in game. I changed that row to semi-transparent but I dont want it to show up in the sidebar icons..... can I force the icons use some other row?

  6. I have posted again this issue but was moved to skinning hideout although I think is probably a bug, so I post again my problem hoping SI team will have look and give me some help.

    No specific-id team kits are loaded in the tactic screen and the game always loads the default-generic kits.

    I post the config codes

    for default-generic kits :                 <record from="2" to="graphics/pictures/club/none/kits/back/outfield/home/same as front/kitstyle/2"/>   ,  working just fine

    and for the team id specific kits (ex for arsenal home kit)  :              <record from="arsenal_h" to="graphics/pictures/club/602/kits/back/outfield/home/same as front/kitstyle/2"/>   doesn't work

  7. Hi,

    I have a problem with the back kits showing in the pitch tactic screen. For many years I make and use custom back kits for the teams (according to the team id) so that I see in the tactics panel the unique kit (home,away, or third) of every team.

    the code I was using was  for example :

              <record from="olympiakos_h" to="graphics/pictures/club/981/kits/back/outfield/home/plain/kitstyle/48"/>
            <record from="olympiakos_a" to="graphics/pictures/club/981/kits/back/outfield/away/same as front/kitstyle/25"/>        
            <record from="olympiakos_t" to="graphics/pictures/club/981/kits/back/outfield/third/same as front/kitstyle/25"/>

    seems with FM20 it is not loading the kits . Does anyone know if I must change something or what the problem is?

  8. Hi,

    I have a problem with the back kits showing in the pitch tactic. For many years I make and use custom back kits for the teams (according to the team id) so that I see in the tactics panel the unique kit (home,away, or third) of every team.

    the code I was using was  for example :

              <record from="olympiakos_h" to="graphics/pictures/club/981/kits/back/outfield/home/plain/kitstyle/48"/>
            <record from="olympiakos_a" to="graphics/pictures/club/981/kits/back/outfield/away/same as front/kitstyle/25"/>        
            <record from="olympiakos_t" to="graphics/pictures/club/981/kits/back/outfield/third/same as front/kitstyle/25"/>

    seems with FM20 it is not loading the kits. Does anyone know if I must change something or what the problem is?


    "The kit textures have been overhauled. You'll notice more realistic clothing that drape more naturally over the model and features creases and folds and to ensure that they move more naturally with the player. This extends to the manager avatar which also has more detailed attire."

    How possible could be that the kit file structure will be changed from scratch?

  10. 1 hour ago, Hliasp said:

    can you give me an example? in which file should the tactics kit be and in what form? sorry for disturbing after so long time but i just saw this post, i am kind of new to the forums. thanks in advance.

    lets say sometjhing like this :   .........\Football Manager 2017\graphics\pictures\kits\2d\outfield\back\"country folder"


    e.x. you have man utd home kit which is the number 1 kit from the editor and manutd id is 680. so the line must look like this :         <record from="manutd_h" to="graphics/pictures/club/680/kits/back/outfield/home/kitstyle/1"/>


  11. It is posible to have unique tactic kits for every team...

    you just ha ve to have the tactic kits in a different file from 2d and 3d and usethis line for every team in the config file :

    <record from="teamname_h" to="graphics/pictures/club/team_id/kits/back/outfield/home/kitstyle/3"/>

    number 3 is the style of kit , and in order to see the kit that number must be the same.

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