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Posts posted by eotinb

  1. 9 hours ago, Jemal Wiseman said:

    If your noticing a trend, please upload your PKMs.

    Otherwise it is useless to us as our developers cannot further inspect the issue. 

    Also we cannot report bugs off of someones opinion. We need the in game proof. 


    I'm also conceding a surprising number of goals to balls over the top, although I tend to play with a high line, so my tactics certainly could be contributing. In terms of PKMs, for something like this are you just looking for PKMs of games where a team scores this kind of goal? Or would you prefer, say, ten sequential games even if only one or two of the games feature such a goal?


    Edited to add: I should clarify that the real issue is the number of chances being created from long balls to an isolated striker -- once the striker gets into a one-on-one, the conversion rate feels about right.

  2. As I said before, I based my translation on this spreadsheet. I didn't modify the spreadsheet for FM11 or I would upload that for interested people. But I can say that in addition to what grimness said (change the values for a few categories), you'd need to make a different formula altogether for keepers. Not only do keepers have their two specific categories, but the categories they have in common with outfield players cover a different number of attributes. Strength has 2 instead of 3, Tactics has 6 instead of 5, and Ball Control has 1 instead of 4. This is based on the categories that are highlighted in the Attribute Development widget. So basically, that spreadsheet will work for outfield players if you make a few changes. But I'd just do the calculations by hand for keepers.

  3. I used SFraser's training schedules last year which were brilliant I may add.

    I was wondering if these are based on his 1.1 slightly tweaked version or the original one which was causing too many injuries?

    I was also wondering how you are getting on with these and if they are working just as good as last year or what?


    It's based on the spreadsheet back on page 6, which I'm almost certain includes the tweaks. I have not had an unusual amount of injuries (but of course, experiences regarding injuries were always mixed, so that doesn't really mean anything). As for my results, I'm slow and am not even through 6 months yet so it's too early to tell.

  4. Sorry, I should have explained that right away. ST - DLF is Deep Lying Forward, SFraser's CF schedules. ST - AF is Advanced Forward, what SFraser calls ST. I changed the names because FM11 doesn't have CFs anymore. You should check the rest of the thread to see the differences between the two sets of schedules and determine which is best for any given player. As SFraser says, he may be a bit atypical in how he uses his strikers, so there have never been wonderfully descriptive labels for the two sets (which I certainly made worse by changing them).

  5. What level of match preparation are people using? I bet if you decrease that then you will see better training results.

    Could someone please post thier best guess at training schedules based on SFraser's logic? We don't want perfect we want something!! I have done the youth ones but I would prefer not to have to do the rest.

    Good point on match prep.

    The link to my take on SFraser's schedules for FM11 is back on the previous page. Here it is again: Mediafire. See the post (#1096) for details on the modifications I made for FM11.

  6. Using that spreadsheet is not offering any long term development, I used it straight away on the demo (using the CB developing, 1st team and Veteran schedules) to test, it offers a few green arrows at the first 2 months (in the training progress, no real visual improvement to atts)

    It sounds like neither of us have done any real testing. You may be right, but I think it's too early to say one way or the other. It would be odd to couple a complete under-the-hood revamp of training schedules with only superficial changes to the interface. It also seems that a complete revamp of training schedules would have been mentioned in an announcement or press release. But only time will tell. If I was playing the game instead of disagreeing with you, I might have some evidence already :)

    The removal of Set Pieces and also I think Training Workload is much more easiy to reach heavy from medium has altered the training system quite a bit, it may not be a drastic change, but it brings a lot of the training theories I've read require some tweaking and rethinking.

    When I compare the training workload for one of SFraser's original schedules in FM10 to the workload for the same schedule adapted to FM11, they seem very close. I am guessing that the training workload was adjusted to compensate for the removal of 4 attributes for outfield players (everything in Set Pieces except Crossing) and the change to Goalkeeping. Might be wrong, but Occam agreed with me during his morning shave.

  7. Ball control is at 4.

    Here's the relevant info, based on the attributes highlighted in the player training panel:

    Outfield players
    STR 3 Stamina, Strength, Work Rate
    AER 5 Acceleration, Agility, Balance, Jumping, Pace
    TAC 5 Anticipation, Decisions, Off the Ball, Positioning, Teamwork
    BAL 4 Dribbling, First Touch, Heading, Technique
    DEF 3 Marking, Tackling, Concentration
    ATT 3 Crossing, Passing, Creativity
    SHO 3 Finishing, Long Shots, Composure
    STR 2 Stamina, Strength
    AER 5 Acceleration, Agility, Balance, Jumping, Pace
    GKS 4 One on Ones, Reflexes, Composure, Concentration
    GKH 4 Aerial Ability, Handling, Kicking, Throwing
    TAC 6 Command of Area, Communication, Rushing Out, Anticipation, Decision, Positioning
    BAL 1 First Touch

  8. I have made an attempt to port SFraser's schedules to FM11. The Focus used to construct the schedules is based on the spreadsheet put together by ProZone and DocSander which can be found on page 6 of this thread. The only change is that I increased the ATT Focus of wide players to compensate for the removal of Set Pieces and Crossing going into Attack training. These schedules do not include the two injury schedules, nor any of the experimental schedules -- basically, if it isn't in the spreadsheet I didn't do it.

    Note, these are totally untested. I made these for myself and thought I'd share since other people seem to be looking for something like this.

    Mediafire link

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