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Issue Comments posted by huesey1974

  1. On 13/12/2022 at 12:24, HOTBULLETOWEN said:

    Yes I agree. I have been raising this match engine lag since 2018!! with still NO fix or we fix it then SI make a mess of it again and ruin our fix like they done with this patch.

    I don't understand and it baffles me of how their in house game testing computers HAVE NOT replicated the lag we are all experiencing. 

    I have been raising this issue for nearly 5 years.

    Same for me mate, i find it very strange this was not replicated in house. Same every year, loads of guys with the issue yet SI have no idea.

  2. Same every year unfortunately, someone outside of SI will eventually find a fix, usually a couple of months after release. I have had it every year even with different graphics cards, last years fix wont work this year is kinda how it goes. 1st year since the 1st champ manager came out I didn’t buy the game, demo is all laggy so not going to bother. 

  3. 28 minutes ago, huesey1974 said:

    Been trying everything and constant crashing, what i did do was to use my fm21 file on the fm22 editor, I managed to have all the scottish clubs i wanted in england but couldn’t fix the Scottish leagues as it kept telling me teams were missing, as long as I don’t run the Scottish leagues it works and does not crash. Seens like there’s an issue with this years pre-game editor. Never had any issues before doing mass league editing



  4. Been trying everything and constant crashing, what i did do was to use my fm21 file on the fm22 editor, I managed to have all the scottish clubs i wanted in england but couldn’t fix the Scottish leagues as it kept telling me teams were missing, as long as I don’t run the Scottish leagues it works and does not crash. Seens like there’s an issue with this years pre-game editor. Never had any issues before doing mass league editing

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