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Everything posted by Waseyx

  1. I've tried a couple of different set-ups with a RMD and they've behaved in a very similar fashion every time. I'm not sure if it's something wrong with the role or my incompetence (very possible) but I've had no luck either.
  2. Move a player to central CB to make a back five, then the player you want to make a WCB click on him and click personalised and make him a WCB then when you move the central CB away he stays as a wide CB
  3. You inspired me to watch some videos and skimmed a couple of games to try and create something, but not sure where to go with what I saw. Benfica in the games I watched defended in a 442 with Aimar dropping back, so the 41212 wide makes sense because you can get that defending in a 442 with the right set-up. The issue I had with the Ramires role, to me, he was a Carrilero, did all the dirty work and didn't stop running. I couldn't get the WM to play how I wanted it to, so I ended with a narrow diamond which when attacking seemed nice and emulated some things I saw, but defensively didn't defend in the 442 I wanted. Also, I'm not sure what to do with the Saviola role, I can see why you went with the poacher because that's how he scored a lot of his goals but in the games I saw he also dropped deeper and had a great link up play with Aimar, so I was thinking a PF(S) but not sure if it'd get the attacking movement wanted. This was only from a little bit of research, I couldn't remember how the team played, so take my take on how they played with a pinch of salt.
  4. I like the idea of forcing your favourite players into a team and trying to make it work. Mine would be like 90% Liverpool players tbf. Looking forward to the rest of this!
  5. I didn't watch the game (yet) but I saw a pass map from the game that really interested me. Seems to be a 4132 according to that.
  6. It's only been 20 games with the tactic so far but it's playing some incredible football with the Shadow Striker and the AF reaping the benefits. Lots of one twos and flowing moves. I don't know how to make Gifs to show off the football but the first 3 goals in that game were wonderful. Mallorca v Real Sociedad.pkm
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