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Wavelberry last won the day on January 29 2018

Wavelberry had the most liked content!


1,024 "Here's Johnny!"

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  1. A solid 4 so far. Bit better than average but yet to really kick into high gear
  2. My mate text me last night asking the same things. Guess it's the difference between a good coach and an elite coach.
  3. They keep saying we played the best in this game but the first 15 minutes against Serbia is the best we've played. Everything else has been dreck. Deluded.
  4. The key highlight they picked was the shot he blootered into the back of a Slovenian defender which given the standard the team has played at means... aye, by the standards of this England team, he has had a good game.
  5. Was Southgate the Middlesbrough manager when that guy lost his season ticket for falling asleep or am I misremembering 7 different stories at once?
  6. I don't understand how Sam Matterface became a commentary thing. Who's idea was it to take a bland Sky Sports News presenter and go 'yeah, that guy should commentate on the biggest games'.
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