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168 "Just keep swimming"



  • Member Title
    Italy Co-Head Researcher


  • Biography
    San Marino HR - Italy AR

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  • Favourite Team
    San Marino

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  • Currently Managing
    San Marino

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  1. I've checked very quickly, it depends on Japan licensing, surely not at all an Italian data issue. Thanks
  2. Did the first 80+ (the ones with ID) and fixed around 30 dates, thanks
  3. My two cents anyway. Great effort, but probably to save you time, when TM says 01/01/XXXX and our database says YY/YY/XXXX, well TM does not know the date and put a random 01st January. As you're already doing many lines, you should probably avoid that ones
  4. Hi, thanks for this, I'll check some of them every day I am starting saying that - after first 5 checks - Ferrante, Kujabi and Bianchi are correct in database and wrong on TM, for the other ones you're right
  5. Hi, Dragusin's jumpin reach has been raised up to 15 before his move to Tottenham. Please also consider that jumping reach is not only a matter of ability, but linked to the player height and Milenkovis is 195 cm.
  6. Albania has been now set as first nation for Cuni and Berisha too, thanks
  7. Hi, thanks for the input. Some of them seem retired and we fixed them in database, but someone is still playing despite their age
  8. Hi, you've already reported the Julia Sagittaria, it will be included in future updates. That's not the "Arturo Valerio", but a minor stadium in same town. Arturo Valerio is ID 832114 Thanks
  9. will be included in future versions, thanks
  10. This is something we're aware of and already fixed for future updates, thanks
  11. Hi, thanks for the reply. hats off to you for doing the work for yourself, but if we can fix for everyone it would be even better So I double checked and I can confirm what I had told you previously. In the official database and so in editor/game the clubs and stadiums names are correct. Unfortunately it seems that in the spanish data translation (that's not only the translation of editor and game itself) it uses a not updated version of the correct names.
  12. Hi @Jabbos81 thanks for raising the issue. Anyway, it's not a data problem, but a translation one. All the clubs you mentioned have their correct name in database, but likely copied/pasted in translation with their bulk editing name. Same for stadium as every "Comunale" stadium in database is indeed called "Comunale (name of the city)". Please post it to the relevant translation section of the forum (Spanish? I suppose) asking for updating their translation. Thanks
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