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541 "Wax on, wax off"

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  1. aside from the ME, just looking at the general feedback of complains & issues, i would have thought i was reading an FM21 feedback thread. Guess so many issues for over 5 years are still not fixed then. and stating the J-league as being fully licensed and yet still not yet to be featured is downright misleading. and yet no communication about it. this year's ME is really fantastic & has great potential. but everything else the UI/Ux/A etc, is just so so poor.
  2. no idea how a licenced league can pass through this.. feel sorry.
  3. Someone needs to run a soak test on this. After playing this game so many years, I always felt staff attributes are irrelevant and makes no difference. This is my gut feel about this. Someone needs to test it out and see the outcome. But staff personality affects your young player traits. This much is proven.
  4. Absolutely disappointed with this game. Completely ruins long term save. Its simply not viable and you can't overlook this. It's been many years and still no fix for this. No faith this will be fixed for fm24.
  5. Amazing. And that's for 60k?? Reminds me of the times of adrei sigporsson.
  6. Fm23. It's better but not by much. That's the most disappointing thing and why I think fm23 is just not the worth the purchase. Ask this question again, once the final patch in march has arrived
  7. I think this is a serious enough problem that SI must be looking at at high priority. Unfortunately because of so many potential knock on effects with 'reputation' and 'ca' in other areas in the game, I don't think this can be solved for fm23.
  8. Yes they are practically the same. The dialogues and interviews in game needs major review and revamp to freshen things up.
  9. Great Post. To call this even a headline feature is... It feels like there wasn't enough headline feature and then they just threw this in at the 11th hour. That's how badly its implented. Horrible.
  10. The most underwhelming release in recent years in my opinion. Very disappointed. Lots of bugs reported years after years are still in the game. The headline features are terrible, some of it implemented poorly and doesn't even work properly. End of the day, I know it's business. I belive 80-90% of the player base doesn't even come to forums. The hardcore loyal fan base are pushed to the side and almost disrespected. Years and years of seeing the same bugs being reported in the bug forums and still not fixed. No idea where do we go from here. Will never pre order again and wait till March.
  11. so far i'm quite liking the ME but they should fix the long balls over the top for the full release. BUT, the new features are almost completely a red herring. they are barely even features enough to warrant a new game. those can be patched in. it's embarrassing. for the last 4 years, there's actually been very little actual quality improvement in the game aside from adding so many bloated stuffs. the squad planner is basically a worse version of the squad depth simply renamed and modifying the screen abit. AI being smarter? i don't see it. long term AI squad development is as bad as it has been for years. i don't see much changing for the full release. my verdict; not worth the full purchase price of a new game. consumers are being milked at this point.
  12. very underwhelmed. slight improvements marketed as headline features? meh.. disappointing.
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