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Posts posted by Denis7

  1. 1 hour ago, XaW said:

    Yeah, as @FrazT writes, they are now comparing themselves to the players in the league and then find they are underpaid. Now, that doesn't mean you need to give it to everyone, but if you take a look at what a player asking is paid and then look at a middle of the pack team in the Championship and a player with the similar expected playing time is paid, then that's what they see, or at least ballpark. If they are far below, they will want a wage increase. Then you just have to try to handle it and pay the ones who deserve it and either placate or get rid of the ones who are not worth it.

    Is there a page where I can see the league averages in pay per position?

  2. Hey everyone!

    Not sure if this is a bug but I wanted to see if this is happening to anyone else but basically I got promoted to the Championship and nearly all of my starters are asking for new contracts and if I deny them to morale goes way down. Now usually I'll get one or two asking for new contracts but we're talking about nearly all the starters this has to be a bug no?

  3. 1 hour ago, CaptCanuck said:

    There are loads (probably pretty much everyone, lol) that knows more than me, so I am sure they'll have lots of good stuff to add too. But hopefully you see some changes (even if they are not all positive) that can start to lead you to a winner. Being in with a promotion shot while not being happy with your tactic isn't a bad place to be!



    My last 5-6 games after your recommended changes. :) thanks again mate

  4. 22 minutes ago, CaptCanuck said:

    More questions, than bold statements, but...

    • Too many guys on support, there's no attacking impetus from your 4 wides guys at all? Especially on balanced, you must just ping it around midfield/your half most of the time.
    • Disconnect between your AF and midfield, should be a DLF or CF?
    • Shoot on sight seems an odd one for a possession based system and besides the AF and AP whoever gets into a position to shoot?
    • I don't get the 'In Transition' ones? You have play out of defence in possession already, why not just short kicks?
    • Much higher LOE and standard DL must mean there must be loads of space to cover between the front 3 and the backline? Why not cinch that up some, make it more compact and then if you have some wide guys on attack they shouldn't get too spread out.
    • Are your guys good enough to have shorter passing and wide? Combined with balanced, doesn't that mean that regardless of good width intentions they need to get nearer to pass? And having 2 Ws and 2 WBs they should naturally be wide enough?

    Thanks for the great feedback I made the following changes and will see how it progresses in the next few matches.


  5. image.thumb.png.b6667edd4af6bff0131c291e584721c6.pngimage.thumb.png.d50c2072584de74d42ad615ff16d131d.pngimage.thumb.png.79ca0840ebfa713afa6df31b5b3b34b8.pngimage.thumb.png.d0922c7f0952ff34c19108ca72f71293.png

    Hey all in dire need of some assistance. At the moment I'm in a 3 way tie for first place in Liga 3. I dominate possession 90% of my games and when I say dominate I mean like 75% to the opponents 25% but somehow I'll either still lose or I will draw. What would you do different? I still want to keep a great defensive shape but I need more attacking. Also its important to mention that I concede mostly on wide areas, if anyone has any tips on how to stop that I'd appreciate it also.



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