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Posts posted by ben_champ

  1. I've encountered this issue across numerous iterations of the game (including demanding a new contract 6 months after signing a long term deal) and usually it's the frustration of constantly dealing with it that drives me away from the each year's version. I think a level that would work is if players didn't start making noise about it until half way through their contracts.


    e.g. 1 year contract summer to summer, potentially a player hints in January he's like a new deal.

           2 year deal, a chance they ask for an enxtension after the first year

           3 years, ask with 18 months left on their deal


    Think this would calm down what to me is a frustrating part of the game which does seem over the top. You never hear it about more than 1 or 2 at a team in a season IRL. But it wouldn't just eliminate something that I accept does happen in real life, just not to the level it occurs in game.

    A good compromise?


  2. Having a quick look before I go to bed, I have found the issue, although right now, I am unsure of how to fix it. For some reason when you change the database using basic/advanced rules, the vanarama national (and only the vanarama national) reverts to date settings as they would have been for last year. I think this was an oversight in the making of the game since every other league has been set right. I will try to figure a fix for this, but on the basic rules page at least, the data boxes with the league dates contain the wrong dates, but are greyed out so you can't change them.

  3. 3 hours ago, kopfan1977 said:

    So after having issues with the update I had to do a clean install. And stupidly forgot to keep a copy of my derby save.. So now I'm going back through the turmoil all over again. 


    Sucker for punishment? I must be as they now have a -21 point dedcution courtesy of @ben_champ

    Glad it's worked correctly. As much as I tested it on my machine and have seen that it functions, I was still a little worried about others using it given I've never uploaded a file to here before!

  4. 19 hours ago, Stuniverse said:

    Real-life Update

    The EFL docked Derby County a further nine points today so that -12 became -21.

    As far as I’m aware, if you want to recreate this in your own saves, you need to do it via Advanced Rules in the pre-game Editor.

    I’m not sure how you do that, at least I’ve never been able to get Advanced Rules to validate, so I’ll have to leave that for someone cleverer than me to advise on.


    I often read this thread although I haven't posted in it. I have done an update in the editor that changes the points deduction to 21 points.

    If someone wants to have the 21 points deduction, they can download the editor file I have attached.

    I think they may first have to open it in the editor to test the rule changes on their own computer, then they will be able to use the file when starting a new game and the 21 point deduction should be present.

    I have also included an image to show people where/how to test the rule changes if needed.

    Deduction edit.jpg

    Derby Deduction.fmf

  5. Top quality skin, I have been using it for a couple of months and with the new match overhaul I love it even more. I would like a to add a little feedback on some tweaks that could be made to it, I hope that is alright.

    I have attached one of your screenshots to this post, where I have added the yellow arrow, this display is superfluous due to the same information being at the top of the screen already. It may be good to remove this and have the player ratings columns go down to the possession bar. The kit pictures could then be placed where I have put the red arrows on the picture instead, or even instead of the team badges (with the team badges being used next to the team names on the match information tab).


    Great work on the skin! :thup:


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