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jim owen

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Everything posted by jim owen

  1. thanks for that, i was looking through the editor last night, but i couldnt work out how to add extinct countries (like soviet union) to existing competitions (like the world cup)
  2. Has anyone ever gone about creating a database where the English national team gets broken down into its respective Counties which all compete as there own national team? If not, is this possible, would i be able to do this whilst keeping all original countries (except England obviously), how would i create such a database?
  3. so the reason why its happened is actually 4th is getting the extra space.... rules max at 6 places, 5 plus the bonus. so when a country has a club that wins the champions league and finishes outside the top 4 AND a club that wins the europa league and finishes outside the top 4 then 4th misses out.... till in this case they get the bonus spot which goes to 4th instead of 5th XaW is wrong the rules on highest club coefficient was scrapped due to similarity with closed shop of the "not so" Super League
  4. Hi Zach, surely this is a known issue at this point, you've had multiple reports and save files showing the exact same thing, a quick search showed me these links, there may be more
  5. I made a post here on this very topic with 9 key suggestions
  6. nevermind it seems i qualified for the finals automatically, its just me not being sure of how the qualification system works.
  7. Hi, East Timor compete in qualifying for the 2027 Asian Cup, but for some reason don't compete in the qualifying for the 2031 Asian Cup
  8. bonus 4th wish: More effectiveness of defensive tactics and a toned down of how affective attackingg tactics are
  9. 1) better international football 2) more randomness in player development, not every player should be able to reach their potential with the right training 3) better transfer system
  10. I raised a post last year with loads of suggestions for international management which they said they were looking at changing, no changees this year, but hopefully next year. However i'm not optimistic, look at the bug section, most of the bugs in international remain "open", they don't even get put under review. The past meetings feature hasn't worked for international teams for about 3 years now
  11. Just checking this hasn't been missed as most issues this old have moved status from open. A save game i've uploaded called "Low Int v02" shows it
  12. Uploaded for you. Save game "Low Int v02" if you holiday one day past the save point you should see it is the case as that will cover squad submission
  13. I've seen it occur for a San Marino player who had appeared in competitive qualifiers
  14. Will be up by the end of the week, any preference as to before or after the incident occurs?
  15. failing that i could quickly create a game as manager and holiday to the CHAN Qualifying date if it would be more useful to have sooner?
  16. Hi, sorry i've moved on from that date now, and I assume you require the date where it happens. I'm not far off the qualifiers coming up again, so when it does i'll upload that save file and post in here again
  17. they can go into administration and be docked points, not forcibly relegated
  18. Hi, Playing as Somalia the CHAN qualifying comes up in August 2025. The rules of this competition mean only domestic players can be selected and this is correctly done in game. However the day after picking my squad all the foreign players who can't be selected are "seeking assurances on their international future"
  19. Hi, As was the case in Fm23, the international games past meetings doesn't work,
  20. i'm loving it, now that the clauses issue and the tactical issue have been sorted, just minor bugs left. Great game
  21. I have the same issue with San Marino and British Virgin Islands, I have hired scouts yet still get this message. As their has been a patch since the previous two posted is their a fix or workaround?
  22. have you updated with the latest patch? This improved a lot of the wing play issues
  23. Yes cause a madman launching an invaision of an independent country is completely fabricated....
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